Very upset this morning!!!!!!!!

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I would be a little weary of leaving your digi-cam in open view in the car, as the little tikes may think it's a gift from you........Macca
there are small (covert) in car cameras available, run from cig lighter, bit of googling should find em.

Thanks for that Nutsy, i will have a look out for them.

Btw I am a bit foolish, but not that stupid to leave my video camera on display with FREE FOR THE TAKING label attached, I was going to hide it under somewhere under something, erm.. apart from the lens of course. headbang

No but you can get periscopes lol! Imagine that and a rocket launcher coming out the roof of my motor. :D

Its that time of year and some little shxxxxxxxxt, has made two f'in large scratches in my car again.

Really pxssed off today :(

Its that time of year and some little shxxxxxxxxt, has made two f'in large scratches in my car again.Really pxssed off today :(
:( :_|

Cant really answer much to that Robin...

But say very sorry to hear it! :|

Some low life scum bag deserves to have their arms pulled out of their sockets IMHO!

That would stop em doing it again!

A friend of ours had their car jumped on....

when they do this running up over the bonnet and jump on the roof..

as it was only a small hatch back it wrote the bloomin thing off!!!!!!!

too ruddy expensive to straighten the body shell out or something!

and the same friend at another time had someone force the quarter light window and set a firework off inside the car!!!!!


Well this is the first and will be the last time I buy a black car. Thinking of white or light silver next time as I dont think scratches will show up as much.


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