Visual Inspection (bit of help)

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New to the Inspecting part, and the testing.

This is linked to my other thread (rented property)

Called round today for a proper look at what was going off, any how doing a visual report for them just so they are aware of what is what.

Im in need of a hand coding the folllowing please.

1. Gas Meter is only 3" from the Main Fuse (it runs across the front of the fuse)

2. 10mm Tails into the CU from Henley Blocks after meter

3. Shower is on 10mm via a old "shower unit" with a 32amp MCB, which fair enough. but the cables when terminated, due to not been able to fit the 10mm into the connections, they cut some of the strands off the cable and bent them around.

4. Earthing. 4mm Main earth on a the sheath of the incomer upto the CU, but then there is another 4mm, which goes into a Connector Block which disappears next door along with main supply for the next door.

See my crappy drawing

5. No earth to metallic fronts (earth is just snipped off)

6. Socket directly above HOB

7. Cooker Hood Switch (used a 3 way isolator, used in bathrooms) and links neutral) just switched live. Earth is Cut. The supply is picked up direct from the socket below, Again Switch is directly above the cooker hob. (Hob is Gas)

8. No earth to stop Tap

9. No cooker isolation for electric oven, wired direct into ring main.

10. No labelling/sleeving with colours in switch's for the switch live.

11.No Bonding in Bathroom

12. No RCD protection to any location (downstairs sockets can be used for items suck as electric gardening tools)

Just need a hand with the codes if possible.

thanks in advance :)

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1 Observation, perhaps

2 Code 2

3 Code 2

4 Code 2

5 Code 1

6 Code 2

7 Code 1

8 Code 2

9 Code 2

10 Code 2

11 Code 4

12 Code 4 (but many will consider this a code 2)

The Boys

Thanks guys,

godfather, they are pretty much what we had on my note paper.

I understand, many people will have many views, i will have a read though the document shortly. (Top gear is currently on :D )

If That list is the result of a Visual Only then a Full P.I.R. would be the next recommendation.............but here goes with my version of the codes....

1. Code 4.

2. Code 2 generally ,but dependant on Max demand of the connected.installation

3. Code 2.

4. Code 2.

5. Code 1.

6. Code 2.

7. Code 2. if class2 extractor...Code1. if Class 1.

8. Code 2.

9. Code 2

10 Code 4

11 Code 2

12 Code 2

....with Unsatisfactory declaration for all items coded 1 or 2.


What is the length on the tails from Cut out to Meter?

not the the CM

but the Tails are around 120cm as they do some right curling about!

If That list is the result of a Visual Only then a Full P.I.R. would be the next recommendation.............but here goes with my version of the codes...a1spark
I have already recommended this. But obviously this should be responcibilty of the landlord, hence doing a visual to show that there are several issues without doing any testing.

I have already recommended this. But obviously this should be responcibilty of the landlord, hence doing a visual to show that there are several issues without doing any testing.
I understand, and agree you are doing the right thing..........heres hoping the landlord sits up and takes note !..........keep us posted on events..

regards a1spark. :)

Quick Update

the visual did kick the estate agents into gear thank god.

and they arranged for an electrician to come around 2pm today.

Just got off the phone to my sister who passed me to the electrician, who claims i am not legally allowed to issue a visual certificate unless with a registered body, and that all the faults i have noted down (see above) are safe, and the installation does not require any work.

and best one was

"i am a friend of the landlord"

lol, you dont need to be in a scheme to do pir`s so i am guessing the same for a visual inspection.

i would ask for his scheme and number then approach the scheme with regards to the faults you have found.

watch him squirm then

shouldn't you be working John.

I have requested he leaves his details at my sisters, and a copy of the periodic report that hes "supposed" to be carrying out.

So well will see what happens next :)

what amazed me most is the line

"the earthing system is perfectly fine, needs no work"

just got in m8, what a horrible day doing naff all and earning naff all . lol. :(

I thought you had a shed full on John? You haven't finished all that already Mate?

Can you get rid of that annoying noise on there Mate?!
