Warning! New vaillant combi dramatic wiring connection change.

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2010
Reaction score
Just been caught out by this one, BE WARNED.

A new range of VALLIANT Combination boilers are now out that have a new wiring connection arrangement.

You know how it is, wired so many of the older range the same way did not even look at the book (DOOOH!)

Same looking PCB mounted connection terminals, L,N,E, now a small 3 pin mini plug, next to it 2 terminls like before that WERE Volt FREE two wire link to external controls, you use to take a link out and wire in your stat./ external programmer etc.

So last week pre-wires a boiler ready before Gas is on, checks continuity all ok up to these terminals, RF stat switches ok as it should.

Gets called back after system up and running a few days as user is unable to switch heating OFF, other then resetting Boiler stat to minimum.

Goes to check it out, all externals doing what they should, disconnect switching pair in boiler and it still runs constant.

Must be boiler fault or internal settings not correct.

Valliant send Engineer in, NOT WIRED CORRECTLY.

The new range now have a different link to remove or it stays on constant, + only ONE of the two terminals is now used as a SWITCHED LIVE and the external control needs a 230 Volt feed.

No warning of the change inside the boiler or installation info.

So lesson learnt, never take things for granted, always read the instructions. :Blushing

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just done one last week using the 230v control side only, L N E and S/L not 5 terminal like the old ones

preferred the old ones

Well done mate you picked it up then, seems like change for change sake.

They don't make things easy manufacturers had this with an xpelair fan instructions say it has L SWL and neutral but terminal block has four wires connections. I did have another book of words when I installed it at first fix but in mean time this has gone missing. Cannot get it to work correctly but customer supplied it and now want me to get a replacement as I think it possibly is faulty. Seems strange one instruction says one thing yet other instructions say something else.

Well done mate you picked it up then, seems like change for change sake.
well i had a similiar experience to you, i wired it up as normal - L(in) L(out) L N E

then nothing happened..............

the terminal next to S/L is not used.................had to look at the instruction manual, doh!

seems like a step backwards to me

still my favourite boiler to work with though, by a long shot!

TBH I've never used the Ls on them anyway, just the Lr, a lot simpler I think, use the least amount of connections/wires required,

a bit like racing, win at the slowest speed possible.
