Was it all a game?

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"It Just Is"
Feb 13, 2012
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Here There and Everywhere
So after the big vote and the public getting behind the leave campaign we find that BJ was just that and now resorts to hiding in the shadows, then today NF resigns as leader of Ukip saying he doesn't want to be a career politician and has done what he needed to do?? 

So where do we go from here? 

A strange business all round  Sharpie .

Millions of voters fooled with talk of 3.5 billion £s  a month in our purse instead of the EU ,  all our problems solved at a stroke , hospitals & schools flying up every week .

No more immigrants flooding in so no need to be buiding new towns the size of Wolverhampton every year .

Oh hang on ...we won't need hospitals & schools if there are no more immigrants flooding in .

We'll need the £3.5b  to pay out in unemployment benefits FFS !

Where do we go from here you ask?        I don't think anybody knows TBH.    Big mistake.    The EU still insist on free entry of labour to the countries who are NOT in the EU but trade with them !!  Like Switzerland . Apparently.

I still think we will lose some of those big employers who are here only because we are in the EU  .    

A big , stupid mistake by many people just  voting against the establishment , ( both main parties wanted REMAIN)  , but NOT thinking of the country .

In a week a perfectly capable prime minister resigns , the labour party implodes , the £ plummets in value , our international credit rating is reduced , talk of company taxes being reduced to encourage investment but PAYE increasing to pay for it ,  and as you say , Boris & Nige retreat to whence they came .     

Let us be sensible for a minute. 

It is not even two weeks old yet. Does anyone honestly think this would all be sorted less than two weeks after the vote?  

BJ. As PM.  Really?  I think we all hoped he would bail out didn't we?

Farage quitting as leader of a party who's sole aim was to get the UK out of the EU. No surprise there. 

As for @Evans Electric post - we have not even invoked A50 yet. No one said this was going to be done over night. Most out campaigners said it would be a parliament at least before things settled. Typical sour grapes from a remain voter. 

I think you're missing the point @Essex1, the two great leaders of the leave campaign get what they both wanted, then resign? Whom is to campaign for the best deal now then? Any one of the remain campaign? They couldn't get a good deal when we were in never mind out?

its a bit like you building your business then handing it over to your competitor to build it further for you because you can't be bothered to do so??

I am sure NF is a shrewd operator. It will be interesting to see what happens next?

NF joins the tories and runs for PM?

NF appointed head of Brexit negotiation team?

There are still two out campaigners in for the leadership. I happen to think Andrea Leadsom will make a fantastic PM. I do not want BJ or Gove as PM personally. Any other time I would have liked Theresa May but I do not think a remain campaigner is the best person to lead us through the A50 process. If a remain campaigner gets in then it will be flawed as they have no promises to keep.  

I am sure NF is a shrewd operator. It will be interesting to see what happens next?

NF joins the tories and runs for PM?

NF appointed head of Brexit negotiation team?

That is not impossible to imagine. A long shot but not impossible. 

I think it was a game, one that they NEVER expected to lose.. Seen anyone signing that "article 50" thing?? If they were serious they would just revoke the 1972 one, but they are not... Europe is like a pension to them, they all just want to do a kinnock..


I have to agree with the Apprentti  , although most people I asked were Leavers, I think it was as much a shock as the rest of us. 

I just thought , this is such a complex subject , none of us have all the facts or the political knowledge to make a sound voting decision .   We were all led by the nose on the issues .   

Most people wanted to make their views known on immigration . 

It was time for farage to go. UKIP will move onto the next step and try to build a political party. Farage is going out on a high. The thing is he'll be an alex salmond type figure.

Nobody can be in possession of all the facts and figures concerning either "in" or "out". NOBODY knows, unless they have a crystal ball. But as has been mentioned, the best thing is to just do what "feels" right, and being ruled by unelected foreigners most certainly does not feel right.. What have we gained by being in the thing?? errrrrr, nothing but trouble and expense..


What concerns me is that having voted out we now don't seem to have an exit strategy and those that preached we did have all but gone into the background, which now leads me to think that those that remain to come up with one are procrastinating as they are torn between what's right for the people isn't right for them as individuals. Yes we have the odd one or two in favour of leave, trouble is we now have every major party in political turmoil and this is only going to play into the EU leaders hands. It will strengthen their argument for other countries to remain? 

OK, I think NF has resigned as be has now gained what he set out to gain,

But, also, now he us not a leader if an opposition party, he can be uses by the government to execute an exit policy, NO gov could viably use an opposition MP to do that,

Bloody stoopid autospell, 

Nobody can be in possession of all the facts and figures concerning either "in" or "out". NOBODY knows, unless they have a crystal ball. But as has been mentioned, the best thing is to just do what "feels" right, and being ruled by unelected foreigners most certainly does not feel right.. What have we gained by being in the thing?? errrrrr, nothing but trouble and expense..


Nf probably knows more than most, not too surprising as this is what he has fought for for 17years, but there is no way the other parties will involve him.

In the meantime apprentti, the world hasn't stopped, no plagues of locusts have appeared, and the roof is still on my house. Voting Brexit isn;t the issue, ruddy politicians at work are, as per nomal. The arrogant gits didn't have a plan, DC has walked away from the referendum he decided to have, not sure how Gove stops Boris from running for election, and the Labour party has decided to attack themselves as ususal. My mainreason for voting to leave, apart from I still believe we will be better without the EU poitical shackles/ addtional laws etc etc, was to shake up politics. It certainly seems to be working, and long term I think we may see more ploitical inclusion of all the voters that have been ignored for decades who were actually motivated to vote this time. Maybe we might get some policies that help ordinary people and mot just London and the wealthy / big corporations.

Some of you are as old as I am, or older, and will remember times before we joined the EU. The only reason we joined was for equal trading rights across Europe, the common market.

We were never told that as a member we would lose our sovereignty and that the EU would over rule our legal justice system.

Stealth laws and future proposals would mean that any sensible person would invoke Article 50, unless they were to accept and bow to European law.

The EU can not be reformed, they do not see any failure and are now even talking of a EU army. Do we not have enough armies? If it was to raise this army who are they defending? and who are their enemy?

Let me tell you about trade and how the EU was set up.

If you have a product that is in high demand, you will trade, it will be at a high premium price. After the second world war two elements were vital to the regeneration program. Coal and Steel.

The founding members of the EU joined together as a self preservation society, so that no one country benefited better than the other, and all would pay the same price. This made economic sense, and was  the basis of the European Market. The ability to produce and sell across Europe for the same price in each country, in order that no country could usurp another by paying a higher price of this market

Britain saw the advantage of this common market in 1961 and applied to join. We were denied and had to reapply and eventually joined in 1973, with the promise of a referendum within two years of joining.

That referendum was carried out in 1975, I would urge people to research radio an TV interviews of that time, if only to show how dignified the debates were in those days as opposed to today.

People are now talking about the turmoil within our political parties. Have you actually sat down and wondered why? Have you looked at what they have done for you lately and wondered what they could have done. Or are you like me?

Our politicians have done nothing for the whole of the 40 years that we have been members of the EU. They have contributed nothing, knowing that the EU will look after us. Effectively all our politicians have been managers of a managed country.

This year we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the battle of the Somme. I was ashamed to be honest, because they saw war as an adventure, a new challenge and willingly went to their deaths for us. We are not in fear of our lives and yet we run and hide like cowards, that in my opinion, is why we have no right to call ourselves British.

Both my grandfathers fought during the second world war, my paternal grandfather being nominated for a VC, though his commanding officer received it, as was a norm in those days. I had many conversations with him over the years, and one thing I learned from him was how united all his fellows were. How so joined at the hip they became, and how just like the archers during the 100 year war, they united together in fear and determination, against an enemy that they truly believed were evil.

We are now not at the end of a world war, but in many similarities we are at a crossroads. This does not only define us, but makes us the people we have become accustomed to being. Now is the time for us to prove to our forefathers that we are worthy of their sacrifice, and will become a voice, not only in Europe but the world.

We will now expect our political members to act on our behalf, and not their own political and profitable reasoning,above all listen to who they represent, and what we the people that make them want

Turns out it is never going to happen [the exit] Just seen some p****** called hammond on the television saying that the referendum result was " a mandate for the government to negotiate the best terms they can" [or words to that effect] In other words, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN...

