Was it all a game?

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Well why am I not surprised at that, exactly what I said all along, they'll never let us out of it, the EU can't afford to let us go and our own politicians can't afford for us to go for their own gains. 

Well someone is avin a larf.

Talk about two faced.

2 weeks ago the IMF were telling us how dire it would be if we leave.

NOW the IMF are saying how many opportunities we now have, and what a dire state the EU is in. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article-3681077/Eurozone-course-economic-slowdown-Brexit-rising-uncertainty-EU-s-future-says-IMF.html

Isn't it "strange" they didn't know all that just a fe weeks ago.

As a result of Brexit, it's now possible the Tata steel works in Port Talbert may even remain open.

It smells to me like a conspiracy theory. They tried to scare us into remaining, but now we have chosen, they want to talk up our prospects to undo the damage of the previous statement.

Of course in another 2 weeks they might have another totally different opinion.

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