What happened to my post???

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Oh- I'll shut up then.

You can ditch this one if you like (as its your forum!) :)

Nah - let's make this one fun! Do a proper introduction?!

Where you from? What you wanting for Christmas? Goose or turkey?

Any pets? Girlfriend? Football team? Colour socks?

Thoughts on the snow?

Alrighty then.

Dan (surprisingly), 32, Bristol Area, Married, 2 kids, 3 cats and soon to be 2 guinea pigs just dont tell the kids before Christmas or the cats how to open the cage.

Sarcastic, Witty and dashingly handsome.

Have working everywhere previously (retail/insurance/police) and currently run my own company but need a "trade".

Plastic Arsenal Fan, No socks (Au Naturale), Turkey and a lottery win for Christmas and the snow where we are is like everything else in this country half-a*sed.

Am naked from the waist down and can be found like this 22 and half hours a day.

More info here! http://www.talk.electricianforum.co....ead.php?t=7353
