What happens after we've notified work?

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Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
Saltash, Cornwall
Sure we all notify work - but what does it really achieve?

There is such scant information on the notification I wonder why and how the local authority file it.

My suspicion is it goes straight in the bin!

Does anyone actually know what happens?

A certificate goes to the customer and they think you're more professional ;)

I have NO idea what happens to it! Neither have I ever seen a Part P certificate! So, here is what I do, as I have little faith in the system

Notify my work online to the NICEIC

Print out the 'receipt of notification' from the NIC [twice]

I keep one copy and attach the other copy to the clients Installation Cert

On the notification there is a 'unique reference number'.....I put this number on the installation cert and also give this certificate the same number as a 'Job number'

That way if anyone ever says 'never got a part P cert, or some such twaddle' I and the customer has at least 2 different methods of proof.

May seem a bit over the top but, it works for me AND the NICEIC AE likes it as well. So if HE is happy then I am even happier... :coat

I've seen the Elecsa Part P certs when dealing with existing customers. Stupid thing about them though is they don't have any reference number to match the EIC.

I can tell you what Birmingham Building Control with it ....as I was told by a building inspector ........ they arrive electronicaly , we are not set up to handle them , so they get deleted.

That was when I first joined the "Club" about six years ago .

I give cert to builder who gives it to client and I notify online. Building inspector takes cert to photocopy and returns it. Why does he need to do that if ELECSA are notifying them also.

I have read reports that all notified jobs will be collated by a government body and used for ......who knows . ?

Personally I have never agreed with it , I think the JIB knew it was coming ,although they already had their grade card system they brought in The UK Register of Electricians before all this lot , but they've been pushed into the background now . The register would have done for , certainly for the likes of us lot , small oufits.

If I can find an old Register one I'll post it . They didn't last very long.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 23:35 ---------- Previous post was made at 23:19 ----------

There you go, the short lived Uk Register of Electricians

I see we were refered to as Buiding Electricians .



as far as I am concerned can burn in a deep black hole,

cos they have spent too long stuck up their own they dont even know what an electrician is anymore.

As far as I can tell (not from personal experience due to being outwith the reach of part P) a Part P certificate is something the householder is given and expected to keep (like an EIC etc)

Then the only time they will "need" it, is when they sell their house, and the buyers solicitor asks for it. By which time they have probably lost it.

But no worry, building control will have a record so will be able to provide a duplicate.

Won't they? :slap

The amount of times the building inspector has turned up to sign off a job for the builder and asked for proof of Part P notification, the builder replies but the Electrician has

submitted on line and you should have a copy, inspector replies what.

I believe the post above, that they either delete them or don't even bother checking, lets just get the Electrician to show us proof and save us hassle.

Yet again we have to do more and more to satisfy all these bonkers requirements at our expense and for what !!!

The amount of times the building inspector has turned up to sign off a job for the builder and asked for proof of Part P notification, the builder replies but the Electrician hassubmitted on line and you should have a copy, inspector replies what.

I believe the post above, that they either delete them or don't even bother checking, lets just get the Electrician to show us proof and save us hassle.

Yet again we have to do more and more to satisfy all these bonkers requirements at our expense and for what !!!
The jobs i do building inspector will not sign off until he see's a copy of part p certificate.

Sure we all notify work - but what does it really achieve? There is such scant information on the notification I wonder why and how the local authority file it.

My suspicion is it goes straight in the bin!

Does anyone actually know what happens?
oh jesus are we suppose to notify jobs that we do then, so thats where ive been going wrong all this time then :Blushing

:^O :^O :^O

Building inspectors have asked me for a copy of certs before,,, usually through the builders in which case I tell them tey can give them a photo copy if they like...

But I have refused to give them before as well,,, I'm certifying electrics, jog on!! ;) ; )

As far as I can tell (not from personal experience due to being outwith the reach of part P) a Part P certificate is something the householder is given and expected to keep (like an EIC etc)Then the only time they will "need" it, is when they sell their house, and the buyers solicitor asks for it. By which time they have probably lost it.

But no worry, building control will have a record so will be able to provide a duplicate.

Won't they? :slap
If they don't the scams do. I have record of all my submissions on my elecsa profile

We should not have to show a building inspector a copy, he should have his own already forwarded to the relevant local buildings control.

The trouble is they cannot be bothered to check as it's added work for them or they don't know where to look.

I think the whole Part P thing is a shambles, has not stopped anyone doing work when they should not and the consumer still wanting to pay cash in hand for cheaper jobs

without the paperwork.

The whole thing want's looking at and a massive rethink because its not working.

I was told you need a copy to the bulider or who ever is doing the work as well as the customer Where is the hardship in doing a copy and writing copy on it.

Where does it say you need to give the builder a copy.

When submitting NICEIC part P's one goes to local buidings control and the other to the address unless it's a new build then you can address it to whoever.

BSI who i am with told me this as said my main work is contract work so if i give the builder a copy of the cert he can get the job signed off when the building inspector comes out to do final inspection. Whats the point in saying go and find it in your records lifes hard enough without causing more hardship.

Batty I don't agree, we have enough to do without doing their job also.

Like I said if it's new build 1 copy goes to local buildings control the 2nd goes to the address or whoever, so if its a new build you direct it to the builders address or yourself and

you can hand it to the builder, you should not have to do any copying at all.

What's hardship, it's doing stuff we don't get paid for.
