What Is It With Old People, Cold Weather, And Thermostats?

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Nov 28, 2009
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It's sub zero up here at the moment.

Today I had a thankfully short job working for an elderly lady.

Her house was like a sauna.  I'll bet if I had stripped to my boxers I would still have been sweating.

I noted the thermostat was cranked up to 30!!! but I doubt the heating had managed to get the house quite that hot (the boiler never seemed to stop)

At one point she asked "are you warm enough"  er, yes dear, a bit too hot actually.

"It's turned a bit cold, so I turned the heating up"

FFS do they not understand the function of a thermostat? There's no need to turn it up, it automatically inputs more heat to maintain a comfortable temperature, there's no need to turn it up.

This was one of those jobs when I just had to go outside every 10 minutes just to cool off and make it bearable.

I hope I don't end up like that in my old age.

called to a job last year 'electric fire doesnt work'

gets there, and almost knocked out by heatwave leaving via the front door. as soon as fire was fixed, she then switched that on full

Back in the day I had a customer that had blown warm air heating intone packing room. The staff had fitted bits of paper to the ducts so they could tell when the air was blowing. Control was via an old satchwell stat on the outside of the managers office. Whenever the manager went walkabout the bolshiest of the workers would sneak up to the stat and turn it up and then smugly return to her cage. Unbeknown to the workers that stat had NO wires in it from the day it was fitted to the day the building was demolished!

As it was oil fired we were allowed to repair it. First job was to turn the summer fan override switch on so that the paper streamers moved and the workers assumed it was fixed! Women eh? You can't live with them

Canoeboy said:
Just remove the stat when its set to what you want (like 20/21) and the saw of the little spigot - replace, she can turn it up and down and is happy :slap

Or failing that superglue.....
we actually had to do that on an office once,

set the stat then cut the spigot off and glue the dial back on,

couple of weeks later we were back and noticed the dial had now been blu-tacked on,

someone had obviously tried turning it up and broke it off, no manager/etc had ever been informed about the breakage, wonder why?  :slap

It's not just the OAPs so many people have the heating on so hot, it's unnaturally hot, if you're so cold that you need it that hot there's something wrong with you! And why oh why do people have the heating on in summer??? It can be scorching outside and still the radiators are on. 

Another pet hate is heating on and windows open... so many people do that too!?

dont start me on that,

the wife will have a fan on in the bedroom,

'Im too hot'

well turn the bloody heating down,

and , by the way, you do realise the fan wont cool you down, it just moves air around?!

'oh shut up and go to sleep!'

I will, once Ive turned this bloody stat down,,,, AGAIN!!!!!!

Well when I had HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE I never felt the cold, was always warm and pretty fit, however since being on medication I feel cold all the time and feel like I s**t most days.

Who said medicine is good for you.

As you get older, being less active amongst other things you feel the cold, it comes to us all.

Bet its really cold in Scotland.

Happy New Year


As you get older, being less active amongst other things you feel the cold, it comes to us all.

Bet its really cold in Scotland.

Happy New Year

Yes it's colder in the Highlands.But why does that make you want the internal house temperature any hotter?

People seem to think, the colder it is outside, the hotter it needs to be inside, but that just makes the temperature difference greater, making you less likely to go out.


And all the people who are "old" now, will have been brought up pre central heating, so would have been used to living in cold houses, so it just doesn't compute that they should want it so hot now.

I don't think I'll ever fall into that category. I'm too tight, and the high heating bills means I would rather put an extra pullover on if i'm too cold. Or go and chop some wood and stoke up the wood burner (I just hope I can continue getting free firewood ; )

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dont start me on that,

the wife will have a fan on in the bedroom,

'Im too hot'

well turn the bloody heating down,

and , by the way, you do realise the fan wont cool you down, it just moves air around?!

'oh shut up and go to sleep!'

I will, once Ive turned this bloody stat down,,,, AGAIN!!!!!!
I think your missus and mine are sisters. I cannot believe mine needs the window open and the fan on full this time of the year. 
