What % of the time do you measure 230V vs 240V?

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Jan 28, 2025
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When your out working on a building and measure the incoming mains, with a good quality multi-meter, say at the consumer unit how often do you get 230V vs 240V?
In the UK anything within the range of 230V -6% to +10% is acceptable, so anywhere from 216.2V to 253V. When nominal voltage here changed from 240V to 230V, there was no change in supply voltage.
Never really concerned me, if it’s in tolerance then I’m not interested. When I did BFO machine tool control systems one of my clients went for ISO9000 some suit rocks up wanting to see certs calibrating my meters to 2 decimal points. I explained to this 'clipboard,' that I knew what the voltages should be 6,12,24,50,110,230,415,660 or thereabouts and exact values were not required! He said they were in their 'quality manual', I suggested it was rewritten😂
In the UK anything within the range of 230V -6% to +10% is acceptable, so anywhere from 216.2V to 253V. When nominal voltage here changed from 240V to 230V, there was no change in supply voltage.
Yeah thats what I understood that the standard changed but the your utility grid did not run out and change anything. I am just curious now that its what 30 odd years later did they lower the supply to 230 when upgrading distribution transformers or is it still pretty much 240?
Yeah thats what I understood that the standard changed but the your utility grid did not run out and change anything. I am just curious now that its what 30 odd years later did they lower the supply to 230 when upgrading distribution transformers or is it still pretty much 240?

The vast majority of single phase measurements I take would be around 240V - high 230s to mid 240s.