as for worried about 440v (its 400v and has been for a while)... why are some so scared of it?
Hi Andy,fitting a 100mA s type brings back the exact same problem, if that trips everything goes off. so either youve just conned the customer out of a load of money doing unnecessary work and still not fixed the issue of 1 RCD on everything, or quite simply, there is no need for the 100mA time delay since any fault would be dealt with by the RCBO's making the upfront RCD redundant...
I think what @steptoe may be alluding to is the requirement , in certain situations, to 'isolate all current carrying conductors' and with the Neutral falling into this category the switching off of a SP device would not comply for example when working on a lighting circuit. I don't think he was posting in relation to circuit fault protection. But I feel sure, to be sure, to be sure, that he will shortly pop his head over the parapet with an erudite commentNo is no requirement in BS7671 for a protective device to switch the neutral conductor under fault conditions.
I've investigated further and I can see a 6mm green cable coming through the brickwork into the back of the house CU, maybe that goes to the bond I can see on the rising main in the kitchen.You say it was rewired 1970 ish well at this time the water pipe was sometimes using as the main earthing conductor.
Why indeed ? No quibbles from the PV panel electrician, he just made a hole in the Wylex CU fuse cover to make room for a MCB.If I am correct then why have the earthing not been raised before?
I would get the whole lot replaced and tidied up, it looks a right messMy intention is to get the CU replaced in the New Year, so a change to a RCD Type S is academic, but will be added to the store of knowledge :->
So RCBO's throughout, and change the RCD to a 100 Amp Four Pole Mains Switch ?
Surge Protection for future EVSE ?