Wiring to What version of Wiring Regs

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Aug 5, 2015
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Finishing up some paper work on a Modular building and I noticed the wiring I to BS7671:2008 Amd 3:2015
Should the wiring be done to the latest or whatever it was when it was designed.

as we where on  BS 7671:2018 (the 18th Edition) and I believer Amd 1:2020 Last Feb

I would think check what has changed to bring it up to scope with the current version always.

Once you design / start an install you can carry on with that install to the same version of regs.  e.g my new build house started in 2015 is still not totally finished and no I am not going to change the CU to comply with amd 3.

Once you design / start an install you can carry on with that install to the same version of regs.  e.g my new build house started in 2015 is still not totally finished and no I am not going to change the CU to comply with amd 3. - Let alone the 18th Edition AMD 2

Edited that for you

That's how I see it but how long can you leave an install until its "complete"?

I seem to recall @steptoe (who has not been on here for ages) saying he was rewiring his house as a slow ongoing project to 16th.


Surely there must be some guidance for how long it could take - or is this just another example of consequences of ill thought out regs?

I started a complete rewire for a customer about 3 years ago and they ran out of money about 1 year ago ............. so no certificate issued as yet!


Surely there must be some guidance for how long it could take - or is this just another example of consequences of ill thought out regs?

I started a complete rewire for a customer about 3 years ago and they ran out of money about 1 year ago ............. so no certificate issued as yet!

I'm not surprised that they ran out of money if it's taken you 2 years (and still not finished)..... must be Buck house???? ...... but I doubt that they'd run out of money.. ;)

I seem to recall @steptoe (who has not been on here for ages) saying he was rewiring his house as a slow ongoing project to 16th.

He did....


this is where you have to get back to basics and consider the model forms of appendix 6...

i.e.  With separate boxes for  Design / Construction / Inspection & Test..

It is not beyond the bounds of probability that the regulations may be updated between a customer requesting some work..

to the work being complete..

(It may be pushing the bounds of probability to span more than one issue of the regs!!).

But a large contract could easily be started, (designed), to a previous issue of BS7671.


But a large contract could easily be started, (designed), to a previous issue of BS7671.


When you think of how long it can take to get planning permission for an estate, or block of flats, it must happen all the time.

I can't remember seeing any guidlines stating any time restrictions once a project has been started. In reality though, little has changed in regards to circuitry over the last few editions of the regs. They only big changes I can think of are regarding RCDs / supplementary bonding in bathrooms / metal boards. So it wouldn't be hard to update a board to comply and save confusing people / avoid the old 'it's not up to date crowd' 
