Working in Europe

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Junior Member
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Hi guys.

Does anyone know the set-up for domestic sparks working in a European country?

Is there a European governing body?

Are the rest of Europe signed up to comply with 17th edition?

I have been asked to do some private work for British owners/ex-pats on a Polaris developement in Spain.

They have been given some horrendous quotes from the builder's sparks, something like 620 Euros to fit (customer has to supply) 11 light fittings, 2nd fix only. Cables and switches (1st fix) already done by house bashers.

Customers also said the standard of local workmanship (that they have seen) is not great.....chockblocks wrapped in insulation tape outside, 1.5mm T&E for ring main, etc. They would rather have a UK trained sparks they can trust do the work for them.

Anyone on here worked in Spain as a sparks?

Do I need to register with local council, get a work pemit, etc?

Any (sensible) advice welcomed.

I am 17th edition and 2391 qualified but not registered with any scam merchants at the moment.



Haven`t done spain mate, but there are good links on another post for france,

(search the forums - it was my posts in reply to Sworld, I think.

Scam providers won`t help abroad ( bit like RAC!)

Would expect you to be eminently qualified for this,

I`d be doing a websearch for "spanish wiring regulations", and see what comes back.



My French experience taught me this:

1. You shouldn't wire in UK methods. You must learn what the selection and erection methods of the country you are going to. After all, if you found a house wired to Spanish standards in this country some parts may not comply to UK regs.

2. Learn the regs from there. Each country has its own little foibles i.e. France has 300mA to 500mA rcds to protect the installation from lightning, double pole fuse carriers/circuit breakers.

3. Modern European electrical regs are up to scratch nowadays, its just that a lot of their older electrics are a joke! It can be easier to re-wire rather than add-on to existing circuits as they can be in a very dangerous state and a nightmare to test and inspect.

Hi again guys.

Just thought I would update anyone who reads this thread.

I have just come back from Spain.

Me and Mrs Biggles were visiting friends that have bought a property on the biggest Polaris World developement in Europe, near Murcia in southern Spain.

There are SEVEN British (Ex-Pat) electricians working on the site for customers that have bought properties and need extra jobs doing.

I met up with four of the seven in the bar (obviously) and found out that NONE of them are 17th edition qualified, some of them don't even have any formal electrical training. One of them was an ex-Lincolnshire bin man that wanted to "work in a warmer country and earn some easy money"!

None of them are registered locally or nationally in Spain as working sparks. None of them are or were registered with any of the UK scam merchants (NICEIC, ELECSA, NAPIT, etc) All the work is cash-in-hand. No certificates, no inspecting or testing, no receipts, no responsibility if you ask me.

If any of the qualified, experienced, well motivated sparks on this forum fancy a change in their lifestlye, from what I have seen last week, there is a massive market in southern Spain crying out for your services guys.

If my personal circumstances were different, I would seriously think about getting out there.

These 'semi-qualified electricians' are making 600-900 Euros a week CASH IN HAND!


I wouldn't be too sure about Spain at the moment as their housing market is collapsing faster than ours at the moment! :(

I wouldn't be too sure about Spain at the moment as their housing market is collapsing faster than ours at the moment! :(
That is very true Mr S.

was listening to a program a few weeks back about how property was loosing value and on top of the the various laws where your property can be compulsory knocked down for things like roads railways and other government developments.. and the property owner gets peanuts back!!!

quite a lot of serious risks to consider!!! :| ?:|

it makes the UK problems seem quite tame!! :|

guys, Spain at the mo is a deffo NO NO, but it is a very good wage to work there as long as you dont want to make good money to bring out. you can make a very good living there if you want to stay there and live.

its all about a quick buck or a lifestyle.
