Works Record Sheet

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Junior Member
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Just up-loaded this useful excel spread sheet which i have put together (well i think so!!)

I use this excel spread sheet to keep a running total of labour and materials,
easy to use

Just fill in the suppliers section with costs, place the % you wish to add on to those materials,
Then complete the labour section not to forget the labour rate, and the rest is a walk in the park

please down load and enjoy!


you will down load it from Electrician Forum, Downloads, Electrical, Recordsheets, and finally Works Record Sheet.

look forward to your comments, but not too harsh!

Available int he download section by subscribed silver or gold members here

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Not bad, but I'd soon run out of rows on the materials side. Trouble with having monthly accounts lol. I have a word template job sheet similar to this. I print it out and fill it in by hand as the job goes on.

Thanks for sharing this, I'm sure peeps will find it useful.

I agree with Voltimax, the template is there and I am sure people will find it very usefull.

I will give it a try and let you know my thoughts.

Thanks again for taking the time and sharing.

On a side note, it's nice when people share things like this in the download section. I have put an excel workbook up for estimating and I may soon have some fillable EIC, MW, PIR and VIR to upload. I know we already have those in excel, but these will be in word format which I actually prefer and find easier to make.

I am a complete novice when it comes to excel and word and any format that has me thinking :)

Hi all

Many thanks for those positive feed backs, and hope you find it useful. I must admit when it come to needing more lines in the materials / hours section, it's easy, just go to the insert section and add rows, this will automatically sort out the formulas within the work sheet.

I have used it for 3 or 4 jobs now and attach it to the job file, all electronically, i just don't like paper and as prior to my other job as a recycling manager i tried to keep a near paperless office, with the added benefit of being able to share info easier via the old PC

Anyway like I said, please have a look and enjoy and I do appreciate you input


I must admit when it come to needing more lines in the materials / hours section, it's easy, just go to the insert section and add rows, this will automatically sort out the formulas within the work sheet. steve
You'll have to educate me further there, because I thought you had to insert an extra row, then select a row with a formula, copy it and then paste it into the new row. Or, insert new row and then drag the formulas into the new row. Which is doable, but a pain in the rump. Perhaps you know an easier way?


Just select were you want the row to go, go to insert, then to have the option up or below, (choose) and then insert, this well automatically sort out the sums. also there is a couple of other option using the format painter this option copies what ever is in that cell, i.e font, size, colour,and even the formula. and another option like you said copy and paste from the cell with the formula in.


if you click on the cell that the formular is in above the inserted cell, then click on the bottom right corner a + will apear, drag ths down and it will copy data to the new cells.

this works for all sorts of things, if you type a month in it will automaticly fill in the rest of the year, or it will do continuing numbers etc...

Hi All

It my turn now.

When i had my NIC inspection backalong the chap said it would be a good idea and should be considered to complete a circuit lay description sheet / chart to give more detail to the existing circuit details other than on the CU. Then this should be left near the CU for reference, I do remember this on one of those NIC videos (you know the one!!)

Do anybody out there have a template to complete this, or i will have to generate one myself?

Cheers and look forward your replies

Paul that's the long winded way of doing it and I'm aware of it ;)

Steve, I've worked it out. Funny after all the years I've been using excel, I learn something new everyday. Trouble is I have excel 2007 on my laptop, but excel 2000 on my desktop. Confuses the hell out of me sometimes and now to add more trouble, I'm playing with open office calc!

Hi Great stuff.

Nice to see we are all on that learning curve (hmmmm! does it ever stop)

hop ethe work sheet is of some use?



Steve, there is a circuit details template in the download section. Was uploaded by the doctor I believe, the part p doctor that is.

Sorry must be going blind, i had a good look around but can't locate that one.

any chance you could point me in the right direction?

Just come back from the eye test, had to ask for directions, and yes 110% blind!

thanks for that just what i was look for, GREAT!!!!!
