Wot Does This Mean!

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Mar 12, 2011
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Psychiatric ward??
Hi all!!

Bit baffled i am!!!!

What exactly do they mean with this nameplate??


What the heck is [SIZE=12pt]I1max [A] [/SIZE]49A as compared to [SIZE=12pt]I1eff [A][/SIZE] 29A ?????

What is all this [SIZE=12pt]S1max [kVA][/SIZE] lark???

Why cannot they just state Max A is whatever might be, [as this is all anyone cares about??] and/or, Max kVA is whatever. Why all the silly symbols???

If i assume that kVA at full load is the figure they give on the plate [34kVA] then this indeed equates to 49A at 400V [as on the plate] so what does the [SIZE=12pt]I1eff [A][/SIZE] 29A bit mean?????

If it IS 34 kVA [or 49A] why do they tell you to use a 40A fuse??

What about this one.....


The top part i understand, the bottom part i do not!!!!!

Now, i can see that it is single phase and the input voltages are 190/230/380 etc, but as for the rest of it........

I know about power factor and all, but i do not know what they mean...

First off, when they say kVA [100%] Do they mean kVA at the "100%" duty cycle rating, that is 195A on the output side [which would be a bit silly as this is only about half throttle] Or do they mean kVA at 100% "full throttle" as it were??

Secondly, They give a figure for kVAr.... Do they really mean then, that the figure they give for kVA, they REALLY mean kW and you should add the kVAr bit to get the total kVA or what??

Thirdly, PF... When they say "35%" do they mean that this is the figure when the thing is set to the amperage that would give the 35% duty cycle [as shown on the plate] which would be "full throttle" [This would suit them, as this is when PF would be at its best.] or do they mean something else???..

Finally, why do they give 4 figures for PF and kVA?? it is not like the machine has four settings, it is infinitely variable output from 50A to 330A

Myself, on 415V [i know it should be 400V but this would throw the output figures out] I would say the input current at full throttle would calculate like this.. Say, you went for the 0.53 PF and lets say efficiency was 90% Output is 330A at 33V so this all works out at 55A..

What you all think...


Hi Paul,

I have only had time for a quick look tonight, but i have the first makers plate sorted!!! Turns out that [SIZE=12pt]I1eff [A][/SIZE] 29A is to all intents and purposes a load of statistical nonsense to be honest. Why would you care??? You need to size the OCPD for the max current, and the cable is sized to suit the OCPD. I can see it MIGHT enable you to take some liberties with the cable size as you might be able to state that the average current [not strictly average, but you know what i mean] is only 29A, but you would have to do an awful lot of calculations to make sure the cable was ok from the point of view of heating effects both from normal loading but ESPECIALLY in the case of fault current, bearing in mind that the OCPD would be larger than that nomally employed for the cable. Would not be worth all the effort.

Brilliant stuff you sent me though!!! Mega interesting!! Will have a good read tomorrow!! Got to go to see the other half now under pain of death if i am much later!!! [Rather read the stuff you sent me to be honest]

If i ever meet St Valentine, i will ffffing electrocute him....

