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Senior Member
Feb 14, 2010
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Did a perioidic at a large family home (at the same time building work was being carried out to make adjustments for the new owners) that had a clear signs of DIY having been carried out and I got a long list of defects, despite having been given a clean bill of health about 5 years ago apparently.

I'd picked up that the 240v supply to the Transformers fpor the bathroom slev lighting was jointed with exposed connector blocks in the attic, but what I didn't get was the cable off this, in the plaster of the wall and emerging in the bathroom cabinet where the ends were just taped up.

The bathroom cabinet wasn't anything electrical, no lights attached or anything, (just had this cable drilled through the back for some reason) so never gave it much of a look until the guy attempted to use it and found the cable:Blushing

I suppose from now on, I'll have to start inspecting at the back of every cupboard just incase, lol

But honest answers please, am I the only one who would have missed it? or does everyone else open all such bathroom cabinets incase a diyer has for some reason put a cable into it?

This is why pir's are really not worth the paper they are written on because anything could be found in the fabric of the building.

This is why I make it clear to customers for whom I do a PIR (or inspection prior to CU change) that the inspection isn't a cast iron guarantee that there are no undetected defects, or that a fault won't develop in the near future.

If you look on the back of an MoT certificate, you'll find some similar words about roadworthyness.

You simply cannot inspect every nook and cranny 'just in case' there's some 'lectrics there. On top of that, we're all human - we all miss a nail in the tyre sometimes.

one word: limitations.

sounds like somewhere you wouldnt expect it to be, so could well have been missed by many people. you can only do so much

nahh not me i would have found it and given the, ' its gonna be expensive' look

Mind you if i have missed anything i cant remember missing anything, unless i didnt realise i missed something and a danger is awaiting a small child............

i probably would have seen it as i check everywhere! e.g. cupboards,under beds,knicker drawers,hand bags etc etc u just never know lol :)

I probably would have missed it, and probably have on a few occassions,

I cant say if i would or would not have missed it, however Chapter 62 of the regs does state "as far as reasonably practicable "so in conjunction with the Extent & limitations the amount of investigation is always going to vary from job to job, in saying that Bathrooms are always worthy of particular attention on any PIR.


In a word, most likly yes (I know its actually 3 words).

This sounds like my house, I have a taped up cable emerging from a hole in the back of my bathroom cabinet. I was thinking about fitting some fancy lights on top but then found i didnot need any as the centre light, gives more than enough light anyway.
