wylex fusebox

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
HI guys i am after an amendment . 3 wylex fusebox.I am wanting one with 100 amp main switch 2 x 80 amp 30ma rcds and also a busbar with no rcd protection to fit rcbos also, i am wanting a 15 way does anyone know the actual stock name what this is called?

Well, bearing in mind I know nothing, it took @Doc Hudson less than five mins to come up with the answer

Perhaps R.B. Has not got access to a computer?

begs the question why choose The Coroners' Choice a Wylex unit?

i would prefer an RCBO on every circuit that needed it...and if the customer could afford it I would use one of @SBS Dave units

in my ignorant and bigoted opinion split/high integrity boards do not comply, one or two others agree with me



May have trouble getting RCBO's in though! 

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Never seen any problems with the old tin boxes, as long as some fool hasn't messed with them.

Installed correctly these things will go on forever unlike the modern equivalents which explode randomly after 5 years or so.... a bit like owning a modern VW group car, fine for the first 50k then it all starts to go a bit expensive as the poorly made plastic parts need replacing with metal ones.

Rambling of into the sunset I go....

Ever tried setting fire to one of the wooden boards? Mission impossible! Four hours on a coal fire and the damn thing was still laughing at me.

As already pointed out, good old British engineering at it’s best.


I still can’t get my head around the OP’s situation, is he an electrician or isn’t he?

I wish him well wherever he may be,  I used to enjoy his posts such an interesting and intelligent contributor. Always learned from him, even if sometimes it was how to deal with others! 

Sorely missed. 
