ze and pfc

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
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I understand how to do single phase ze and pfc,the pfc has 2 settings l+e and l+n settings take the highest of the 2 readings for pfc.On a 3 phase installation armoured I am ok doing the ze but what happens about the pfc someone said its only required on the l+n setting or should I be doing both l+n plus l+e and whats the rule about doubling the value you get?

live to neutral on each phase then mutiply the highest numbe by 2

If the supply is 3 phase & Neutral then the highest current that can flow will be that current between the phases, the measurement should be made between phase and neutral at the main switch and the measured value doubled for 3 phase& n. Page 98, Christopher Kitcher, Practical Guide to Insp, Testing and Certification.

I understand how to do single phase ze and pfc,the pfc has 2 settings l+e and l+n settings take the highest of the 2 readings for pfc.On a 3 phase installation armoured I am ok doing the ze but what happens about the pfc someone said its only required on the l+n setting or should I be doing both l+n plus l+e and whats the rule about doubling the value you get?
maybe you should stick to single phase.


As it happens I used to work with a guy whose initials were RB & he lived in or around Halifax!

Anyway, there is Ipscc & Ipefc, you really need to understand the differences.

If you can explain these for single phase then we can then explain to you the differences with 3ph.

this is a major H&S issue sparkymarky,

the sort of questions the OP is asking would be bordering on the legality of him being competent enough to work on this equipment,

I for one could never condone breaking the law, esp not when it may well be peoples lives at risk, including the OPs,

and how will he ever become competent to work on this equipment you may ask, if we dont tell him,

easy, by doing it under supervision.

this is why apprenticeships were invented,

there is a world of difference between being a spark,


simply having a piece of paper that qualifies you to electrocute someone.

Are you sure you're on the right forum "distinguished member"? It doesn't sound very helpful or encouraging to me. If you work on your own how else are you going to learn if you can't ask questions on a forum like this?Steptoe and kme might like this but sparkymarky doesn't!
its obvious when someone is way out of their depth. if he isnt sure of the basics, how is he going to manage the rest of the job?

"Steptoe & KME" have both previously pointed out that such questions, posted in the appropriate section, are more likely to get appropriate answers..........

Mods / /Admin: Student & learning zone, please - save messrs Steptoe & KME (& others) from villification.


Are you sure you're on the right forum "distinguished member"? It doesn't sound very helpful or encouraging to me. If you work on your own how else are you going to learn if you can't ask questions on a forum like this?Steptoe and kme might like this but sparkymarky doesn't!
r.b has had 2 simple answers and 2 advisery post, and as pointed out by steps this is not the first basic 3p question.

do you think encouragment is the right way to go.

also rb question as well as basic is also vauge, is he adding a circuit in a flat supplied by a 3p board or rewiring a pub/ b&b.

and for the record Andy has given helpfull and good advice to many inc me

Sadly, you don't even need a bit of paper to be a spark in good old UK! If you look at the Screw You Fix Forum it's full of insecure ne'er do wells ****ging each other off and very little practical help in sight. I wouldn't like to think of this forum going the same way so perhaps one's reservations could be couched in slightly more diplomatic language? After all it is a question and answer forum and we don't want to be putting the less experienced off from asking questions, a question is only stupid when you know the answer!

(Obviously, I have a vested interest as I'm always asking stupid questions!)

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was made at 20:36 ----------

Sorry my typing is so slow. I'm not denigrating anybody on this forum. I have always received helpful advice and I am grateful. I just think that "maybe you should stick to single phase" is not the enlightening response one might be looking for!

Sorry my typing is so slow. I'm not denigrating anybody on this forum. I have always received helpful advice and I am grateful. I just think that "maybe you should stick to single phase" is not the enlightening response one might be looking for!
it may not the tbe most 'enlightening' response, but its probably the safest.

I'm not having a go at you rb, but if i was you i'd buy some inspection & testing books or even watch youtube. I'm also a relative beginner so know what it's like to want to know all the answers!

Christopher kircher - practical guide to inspection and testing is highly recommended. It explains most of your recent questions and it ain't that expensive between


if reading through various posts you still think we dont offer helpful advice then thats fine,


I think you will find most of us try our best to offer the advice we feel most suitable,

but, [again] ,

it doesnt help us in anyway whatsoever when an OP gives no indication as to their level of knowledge or experience,

'I know how to do it in single phase' is a world apart from 3ph,

perhaps Admin needs to look again at his list on the right and perhaps add a field,

this will well depend on honesty, but when people are dishonest with their level of expertise it soon comes through in their posts.
