Ze test with RCD main switch

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Hi Special Location, Please accept my apologies for misunderstanding your approach to my problem. I do fully agree that the way you were trying to get me to think about the problem, was indeed the best approach. I think the problem stemed from the fact that I am already reasonably comfortable with the parts of the book you were pointing me towards and I could not understand why you kept pushing me back towards them. I do really appreciate your efforts. Sorry for misunderstanding.

Only one thing to say to that..




better come down KME's beer fridge.....

I just got a crate out while he was not looking:innocent;)

I like the idea of the beer but I am really worried about the kissing characters at the end of your message.

Wouldn't this forum be a lot easier for everyone if people responded with a straight answer to a straight question.

It can make life a lot easier for all concerned.

Love this forum!

People think in different ways - some hanker after the regs, some try and interpret the regs and some go back to first principles.

Specs - thanks for your diligence in looking at the regs in detail - but the last post you made put things firmly in the realms of first principles - made perfect sense! Guess which camp I'm in!

Anyone here deserves respect because they want to learn!

There is a world of difference with what goes on here than what goes on in college. I'm teaching part time at a college where one candidate sat a level 3 multiple choice exam 17 times before he passed! Competent - no! College recognizes a successful candidate - Yes!!! Am I happy with this Nooooo! Bet he's not on this or any other forum - but hell - he's got a qualification! A dedicated 'five day wonder' is worth 100 of these wazzocks - so can we please stop questioning and belittling peoples experience - and just guide and help (unless severely p***ed off!)

Kuffs - welcome to the forum - you'll like it here!

Can't see a thread like this being resolved so nicely anywhere else!

Respect to all involved!

Wouldn't this forum be a lot easier for everyone if people responded with a straight answer to a straight question.It can make life a lot easier for all concerned.
As I read it, the original question that was asked was answered by post 3 and as a lot of electical questions don't have a single answer and looking at Kuffs post #20 he actually appears to be satisfied with the answers given and the added content aimed at getting members to think about how they interpret regulations. So to answer your question, in the real world probably not no. Electrical work is not about training monkeys to do repetitive simple tasks. Frequently interpretation and application have to be used. I consider that members such as Special Location, Sidewinder, Manator, Canoeboy, KME, Steptoe, M107 and others are all very good a getting people to think about why the regulations say what they do and how they should be interpreted and applied. Often chewing over a hearty meal is better than drinking pulped up baby food. The forum thrives on discussion and debate. I approve of any such things that get people thinking why they do something and is there another way I could have done something. One or two members have tried to stir up friction within this thread, (usual names with little constructive input to a thread) but I think it has kept to the salient points without getting too distracted.

Doc H.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 23:45 ---------- Previous post was made at 23:35 ----------

Welcome to the forum Kuffs, this is a discussion and debating platform where all are welcome to ask what they want. But generally its not a "Ask Jeeves" quick regs answers forum. All of our members are giving up their own personal free time to pass on their knowledge and experience. Except for a very small minority of members that all forums get, our members do want to help people answer their problems.

Doc H.

Wouldn't this forum be a lot easier for everyone if people responded with a straight answer to a straight question.It can make life a lot easier for all concerned.
If I may give YOU a direct answer, to your implied question?

NO, I don`t believe it would!

There. Straight answer. Happy now?


Hi All, I would like to thank all the members involved in this thread for the input and your various welcomes.

I had not realised that my first post was going to stir up such friction between people, and frankly that's the last thing I wanted to do. There is enough trouble in this world without us lot getting stuck into each other on this forum. How about we all virtually shake hands and put this whole thing down to experience and move on. Thank you to you all, in particular Special Location for his perseverance and not just telling me to P off. :worship

hi just like to put my input in here, i decided to change career at 37 was put off the short courses by the forums, done the one day a week at college 3 years. i do appreciate that everyone is different but i needed the 3 years just to get my head around things. as i worked on an evening in my second year i decided to work for an electrician free of charge the first spark i worked for, first words were "mind i dont follow the regs, i've been doing this too long" i didn't work with him very long. second spark very clever guy knew all the electrical stuff but his quality of workmanship was disgusting he was always cutting corners. i decided however to stay with him to complete my nvq. He offered me a job, i took it, but left a few months later after he hit a gas pipe in a customers property and was going to fill over it with filler! this guy now has two apprentices. i now have the 2330, 17th, nvq 2356, am2, and just sat my 2391. i work for myself i thoughly enjoy it. i dont think i've missed out that much on being an apprentice when i was 16, considering the two sparks i've worked for. Anyway to the point, without this forum not so much posting but reading others posts has taught me more than any college. sometimes a bit of banter makes you think. And the guys on here have the experience to help you when stuck.


So whats the answer then (it wasn't answered by post 3, only the place to try and find the answer was given) and lets see if everybody agrees:popcorn

So whats the answer then (it wasn't answered by post 3, only the place to try and find the answer was given) and lets see if everybody agrees:popcorn
Well clearly the OP considers it was answered see post #20. As such if you wish to start you own discussion on how fast a question is answered please do so on your own thread rather than hijacking someone else's already answered thread. Post #20 by Kuffs who started the thread reads:

Hi Special Location, Please accept my apologies for misunderstanding your approach to my problem. I do fully agree that the way you were trying to get me to think about the problem, was indeed the best approach. I think the problem stemed from the fact that I am already reasonably comfortable with the parts of the book you were pointing me towards and I could not understand why you kept pushing me back towards them. I do really appreciate your efforts. Sorry for misunderstanding.
If the OP is happy, I am happy, lets please keep the forum happy.

Doc H.

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