I think it is in fact , a deviation , Dave . Just because its IP rated doesn't prevent the action of plugging in an electric fan heater ....propping it on the soap dish across the bath and jumping in .
I was asked by the son of an elderly couple to quote to rewire their house . The old guy took me round , in the bathroom , right next to the bath was a socket , wired in figure 8 door bell cable , clipped to skirting with those insulated staples .
On a low tale , plugged in , were a kettle with tea making stuff and a radio .
"Always make meself a cuppa while I'm 'aving a baff ..then listen to The Archers"
I've never thought about that before ......... is'nt it just a flexible cable with the addition of a braided screen ?
Is that why it's difficult to find current ratings for it ?
I've used miles of it ....don't tell the SY Police .