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  1. buddha

    The Heat Is Always On!

    can anyone recommend a decent brand of mains wired smoke/heat alarms.I was sent to replace a heat detector at a job,the previous one had been setting of the system for 'no reason',changed said detector and all was well until the next day when I got a phone call with the horrid sound of the fire...
  2. buddha

    Porch Probs

    yeah,will pop back ,went through whole house to find normal bulb with bayonet fitting,wit no luck!
  3. buddha

    Porch Probs

    thanks mate
  4. buddha

    Porch Probs

    just fitted a pir in a porch to active the light there,previous person had taken a 3core and earth to a junction box,I identified the switched live and the permante,and wired the pir with light as per instructions.The light worked with the rocker switch and also (when switch was turned off) with...
  5. buddha

    Price Question ;)

    thanks andy,nice one
  6. buddha

    Price Question ;)

    thanks,point taken,its gonna be pretty high spec,eg downlights throughout,perhaps some fancy pendants also in sitting and dining room,pendants over kitchen island,mixture of downlights and walll lights in kitchen.Each room with have at least 4 dso's,ariel points,phone/data points,i'll be fitting...
  7. buddha

    Price Question ;)

    thanks thanks mate
  8. buddha

    Whats The Minimum Insulation Resistance Of Selv Circuit?

    better get down the shop and get the green book then,are things like maximum Zs readings different,how much is a new green regs book?
  9. buddha

    Price Question ;)

    thanks dave ;) ;) thanks mate
  10. buddha

    Price Question ;)

    How much would you charge for a new installation on a five bedroom,3 bathroom house in london if you were only charging for labour? As a rough ball park figure? I've heard £65 per point,but this is supply and fit right? Any help welcome ;)
  11. buddha

    Whats The Minimum Insulation Resistance Of Selv Circuit?

    thanks,our teacher gave us this question answer sheet with this on it,(as if things arent confusing enough haha). I will get the green book when i get some cash,are there many differences?
  12. buddha

    Whats The Minimum Insulation Resistance Of Selv Circuit?

    the smart screen test says its anything equal or greater than 0.25 M ohms,the red regs book says equal to or greater than 0.5M ohms????????????
  13. buddha

    Anyone Know A Good Supllier Of Trendy Wharehouse Type Pendants?

    sounds cool,exactly what this guy im doing work for is after! nice one mate ,much apprieciated,exactly the kinda site I was after!
  14. buddha

    Anyone Know A Good Supllier Of Trendy Wharehouse Type Pendants?

    thanks,nice one ,I will give that a try.I'm working on this guys open plan flat above a pub (jammy git),and he wants big industrail/unusual/rustic type fittings,pendants.
  15. buddha

    Anyone Know A Good Supllier Of Trendy Wharehouse Type Pendants?

    oh I do apolgiseses,spelt supplier wrong,think the general jist was obvious though ;)
  16. buddha

    Anyone Know A Good Supllier Of Trendy Wharehouse Type Pendants?

    found a few american ones,etsy is a cool anyone aware of others a bit closer to home?
  17. buddha

    Two Cables As Good As One?

    thanks,it was on easter sunday,so everything was shut,so its in now,was just worrying about it,if it was safe?