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  1. T

    BDC in administration

    so which ex-rm told you that then. and was he already gone or did he last to the bitter end. think i know who you mean,hes been slated on facebook quite a bit. and just to be clear, my reference about ex staff getting jobs was in response to shalom. i am in total agreement with you that most...
  2. T

    BDC in administration

    Kate, you are right. in fact a load of posts were deleted off facebook with the same style of writing, i.e lots of ................ & paragraphs and with the same depth of scathing views about people along with insider knowledge of the MBO etc. main suspects were a former rm, an ex call...
  3. T

    BDC in administration

    I suspect by the interesting and intelligent level of debate, and in the integrity of the comments made on this thread by the majority, that most of us HAVE got ourselves decent jobs with decent Companies (or working for ourselves). Shalom, you were obviously part of the managment at Bridisco...
  4. T

    BDC in administration

    Lots of people on this thread not posting. there seems to be a reluctance to comment on some of the posts. this is a chat board for opinions. it would be nice to hear them. it may give some closure to a few and more importantly give a reason to others. also, anyone got any info on ex bridisco...
  5. T

    BDC in administration

    i can see you are a tad upset paulad, but was not the tyrant you make out. if anything he was the opposite. he let far too many people influence his judgement and his biggest crime was being too loyal to those who had his ear. He believed in what he was told and sadly in life, belief is a far...
  6. T

    BDC in administration

    erm, fair point rather stongly made. but rather than this being a corpse kicking, how about accepting that a lot of good decent people gave their all to this Company and have suffered greatly at the expense of the mismanagement. unlike those lucky few who still had an income over xmas and...
  7. T

    BDC in administration

    Woolies and Zavvi staff at least knew they were having problems. The management gave them some indications of the state of the Company throughout the last couple of years. They had to due to being a plc. BDC staff were fed lie after lie about new finance deals, blue sky thinking plans and other...
  8. T

    BDC in administration

    Im lost with all this code nonesense. Inmans have served indie customers quite well. after all i still see them trading at the moment. 1 up so far. as far as initials being mentioned , who's . is obvious and ?) reckon mr based on the indies link. ah.. get it now, must be . all nice fellas as...
  9. T

    BDC in administration

    crackin summary paulad. however was a smart cookie. ok, a bit in your face and very outspoken. but he knew how to manage multi site businesses. dont let a personality cloud a business perspective. this is why bdc went pop. it had as an hr manager whispering into ear all the time about people...
  10. T

    BDC in administration

    i believe so. they will not find things as comfortable with . half the old staff from the manchester centre have gone there over the last 4 years anyway, at least 4 of them. hence why [* unnamed persons *] business has almost doubled since 2005. good luck to them. not sure if [* unnamed...
  11. T

    BDC in administration

    life after bdc is bdc2008 starring JM,SG and RT. i know some of the managers in favour are staying, Watford, green lanes, enfield and the like. basically if you were a mate of SG you are ok. i know at least 3 suppliers who will not touch them with a barge pole. someone on the facebook site said...
  12. T

    BDC in administration

    I meant divisional director in manchester. scottish, shouted a lot. talent for blaming everyone else for anything that went wrong. and in bdc thats a lot of blaming
  13. T

    BDC in administration

    why cant we name names or give at least initials, specially if this is a compliment. it cant be C.F that you are referring to , and certanly not S.T who was one of the 99%. dont think anyone from the north was any good. all of them just had big Centres that made them look good. a certain blonde...
  14. T

    BDC in administration

    actually no. people have goods and not so goods. selling is about getin on with people, and with customers he did. he was just put in above his head but then again so were 99% of the senior people in the company.
  15. T

    BDC in administration

    I hope [* unnamed persons *] does well for [* unnamed persons *] . Perhaps his real skills were never used in the right way by bdc. He's an out and out salesman who should only ever have been used for that. his customers like him and they bought from him. and tell me what he should have...
  16. T

    BDC in administration

    Thank you very much for the guidelines. But does this mean we cant express an honest opinion then. or do our opinions just have to be complimentary. i agree personal insults and allegations based on hearsay should be curtailed, but past expriences and views on peoples actions surely should be...
  17. T

    BDC in administration

    did wonder what happened to my old friends. shame the company went bust but its not a surprise. i like this thread but am confused over all this cloak and dagger code speak about people. why? why cant people just tell the truth. it is just like i remember bdc. all full of self important people...