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  1. S

    Downlight Problems

    Many thanks for all of your comments.  It is much appreciated.
  2. S

    Downlight Problems

    Problem.  Modern rented house about 15 years old was fitted with loads of downlights.  The lamps blew with monotonous frequency.   The Landlord wants  to know the reason why the lamps are failing and needs a solution to the problem Earthing is TNCS.  Zs for upstairs light circuit 1.07ohms, IR...
  3. S

    RCBO problem

    Thank you for making the point. I stand corrected. I will proceed as you suggest.
  4. S

    RCBO problem

    No did not get time. But it is something that I will do when I get the chance ---------- Post Auto-Merged at 16:32 ---------- Previous post was made at 16:31 ---------- No I don't know how to measure the mA of each accessory
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    RCBO problem

    Hello I was asked to look at a fault in a 1980
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    Protecting the tails

    As far as I know it is a plastic jobbie. CAn i take it that an RCD is not required if it is a plastic board?
  7. S

    Dimplex heater trips breaker

    No - didn't get a chance
  8. S

    Dimplex heater trips breaker

    I was asked to look at a Dimplex XT24 3.4kW off peak storage heater that trips the breaker in the consumer unit when it is switched on. There was continuity between the live on the back of the isolating switch to the heat input control. There was a resistance reading across the back of the...
  9. S

    Double insulated fluorescant

    Hello I have been asked to change five lights in a bungalow that has had a loft conversion with three rooms upstairs. The house was built in 1964. Not sure when the extension was added. The is no continuity on the cpc of the lighting circuit. Most of the lighting is wired in twin and earth...
  10. S

    Earth continuity code

    I am getting Zs by taking a reading at every socket as you say. I can't get a figure for R1 + R2. So I can't make a relationship between Zs and R1 + R2 in this instance. But there is still an earth fault path at every socket one way or other along the ring. And the RCD is working fine...
  11. S

    Earth continuity code

    Problem during PIR. The downstairs ring main has no earth continuity. The earthing is TT. Zs for the circuit comes in at 6.71 The RCD for the circuit disconnects at 25.8ms on 30ma. Is this a code 1 or code 2?
  12. S

    Unable to test circuit

    I can't get anywhere near the pump. It needs the bath taking out to get any sort of access.
  13. S

    Unable to test circuit

    Doing a PIR and have come across a problem testing on one circuit. It is a dedicated circuit for a shower pump. A great big heavy ceramic bath has been fitted on top of the pump and I cannot get anywhere near it and I cant even see where the cable connects to it let alone test the circuit...
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    Sockets, switches and cooker isolating switch in cupboard

    Does anyone know of a regulation that prohibits the fitment of either sockets or cooker isolators in a cupboard?
  15. S

    Sockets, switches and cooker isolating switch in cupboard

    Does anyone know of a regulation that prohibits the fitment of either sockets or cooker isolators in a cupboard?
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    Sockets, switches and cooker isolating switch in cupboard

    Doing a kitchen rewire for a customer. The kitchen is mega expensive and the kitchen designer is a bit dippy. He does not want any sockets or cooker switches sunk into boxes as he is going to put some sort of mirrors on the wall between the freestanding floor units and the wall cupboards. He...
  17. S

    Remote dimmer

    The cutomer likes mega bright rooms. Its their spec and I have to run with it.
  18. S

    Remote dimmer

    I have to quote for a job where I need to install 10 230V downlights in a bedroom with a remote hand held dimmer. The size of the room is approx 5m x 4m. The house is pretty upmarket so cost is not too important. As I have 500W load I don
  19. S

    Telehone troubleshooting problem

    If that is the BT test on 0800 800151 I have not got a steady dial tone and I can't dial out.