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  1. Ferg

    I’m hanging up my boots

    Just get the old ones resoled. :) Although it will probably cost as much as buying a new pair. 42 years!!  I'm lucky if I can get a pair of boots to last me a year.
  2. Ferg

    Can anyone explain ....?

    The only reasons I can think of are. 1. A big infrastructure project to employ people til the economy picks up. 2. Get cars off the road. 3. A horrifically expensive political and bureaucratic balls up of the highest order. Give that I'm about 7 hours drive from it's Northernmost point I...
  3. Ferg

    Cutting wood for a woodburner

    Monty Python FTW :)
  4. Ferg

    Cutting wood for a woodburner

    I use a Stihl MS440 with a 20" bar. I get approx 20 tonnes of larch delivered from the forestry every year and the saw has served me well for about 7 years so far.
  5. Ferg

    Crime reduction here.

    I live in the arse end of nowhere, I drive for 1Hr 20 mins to my dentist who is either Dutch, Indian or Spanish all of whom are very pleasant. On the up side no crime at all and part what???
  6. Ferg

    George Osbournes Mathematics Lesson.

    he's telling untruths in the hope we are all too thick to notice or even care? A politician being economical with the truth? Surely not!
  7. Ferg

    Wanted: A Short Length Of Yellow Gas Ducting

    Any plant hire / ground works companies near you? They may have some for the same reason as you need it. Some of them prefer to lay the ducts themselves when preparing house sites.
  8. Ferg

    Black / Brown Outs Are You Ready Lol?

    No gas stove but a camping stove as back up. Otherwise the same. Power cuts in the winter here are the norm. Sometimes for a few days. One year no water or power for a while. We all lived to tell the tale. Actually it was ok. we just made our own entertainment for a while. :D
  9. Ferg

    What Makes You Reach For The Tv Remote Like A Gunslinger Of The Old West . ?

    Those pseudo documentaries that stretch 5 mins of program to half an hour. Whats going to happen Snippet of info whats going to happen after the adverts adverts What happened before the adverts what is going to happen snippet of info whats going to happen soon adverts... You get the...
  10. Ferg

    Question For Prodave

    out of everyone I know itseems to be slightly in favour of a no vote. Out of the yes voters I would say the vast majority of them have no concept of what would happen after independance. They are just voting with their hearts. Personally I'm worried about it and hope that on the day sense...
  11. Ferg

    Why 10 Posts 1

    If your Electrician is going to check it over for you then one of the things he will be checking is terminations. He will also have to undo some of them for testing. It won't work out that much more expensive to get them to do the terminating in the first place. This will also give you some...
  12. Ferg

    Van Drivers - Warning

    Sorry to hear that Kme. This is one of the reasons I live where I do. My van battery is on it's way out so this morning I parked it up in a car park, left the keys in the ignition and the engine running while I nipped out to get a coffee. I ended up being 10-15 minutes and my only concern was...
  13. Ferg

    Hello Again.

    Well, I never pretended to be punctual or very good at multi-tasking. :Blushing
  14. Ferg

    Can Anyone Recommend A Decent Head-Torch?

    I have a Petzl Tikka 2. Have had it for at least a couple of years and it's great.
  15. Ferg

    Do I Stick My Nose In Or Leave Them To It?

    No ship jumping, just spreading my  rubbish posts around a bit :D
  16. Ferg

    Carpel Tunnel.

    I get something similar and had assumed it was just overworking the muscles etc in my hands. I had guessed, rightly or wrongly, that the numbness was due to inflammation, tightness of the muscles. It's not fun though. Two hands to pick up a cup of coffee in the morning. I do find that soaking...
  17. Ferg

    Hello Again.

    I registered some time ago and said hello but haven't posted since. Although I have stuck my head in on occasion. :) I'm active on a couple of other forums and hope to be active on here to. :)
  18. Ferg

    Do I Stick My Nose In Or Leave Them To It?

    This is a tricky one as it can look like you are touting for business. If they are friends and have a history of being stung perhaps offering to keep an eye on electrical proceedings for their peace of mind. :) If Part P applies where you live ask them to check he is in fact registered etc...
  19. Ferg

    Hello to our New Members...

    Hi guys just signed up to the forums after reading a few threads. Been out of the game for a few years just getting back into it again self employed this time. Although I'm theoretically up to date on paper I find forums like this extremely useful. Thanks to all who post and help out Ferg