Question For Prodave

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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I presume , as a plastic Scotsman , you still  have the right to vote in this nonesense next week Dave ?

How would you gauge the feelings , generally , up there  .....Yea or nay .

Personally I think its a big mistake ....AND  if part of the UK has a referendum  how come it excludes us & the Taffs ?   Its all the same country  since the Union of 1700 & whatever. ?  

AND  I'm not sure on this ...but arn't a lot of those oil rigs in English & Norweigian waters ? 

I'm cacking myself over this at the moment.

Needless to  say I don't want it. I never asked for a referendum, but I DO have the chance to vote no.

There was a real brown trouser moment last week when just one of the opinion polls put the yes supporters 1% above the no supporters.  That same poll (You Gov) now shows no in the lead by 5%

It's certain it's going to be a close thing.

I predict a melt down in the economy and an Irish style house price crash if we get a yes vote.  A worrying week.

I could bore you with all the why's and wherefores if you really wanted.

The bookies still think it's going to be a no, and for some strange reason I trust them more than politicians.

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Deke has a point actually and it is something I have been thinking about over the last few days.

IF there is to be a break up in the UK, then all of the UK must vote on it surely?

It must be illegal for the Scots to make this decision on their own?

If we get a yes, then Phart McPhee is the very last thing I am going to worry about.

One thing for certain, the genie is out of the bottle now.

If we get a yes vote, the brown stuff will hit the air moving device, Scotland will be in trouble, and the rest of the UK will be too.

If we get a no, we now get our devo max.  The rest of the UK will want that too. They will not be happy to just stand by and watch that happen.  something must change.

And if we get a no, there will be another try at independence some time in the future. There are just too many fools that want it for it to go away completely.

That fool Alex Salmond has done immeasurable damage to Scotland and the UK.

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Isn't Cornwall  Separate state now? I thought this was because of Cornish terrorists (not the) burning down posh restaurants? 

I really hope they say Noo!!! It'l be a real mess otherwise, Another politicians wet dream that will land us in the poop!

I heard that pubs in Glasgow don't use barrels but store the Tennants in huge underground tanks.... and we let these people decide their future!!??


If they vote for independance they are nuts. I hear that one of the muppets has gone and threatened the oil companies with nationalisation, and at the same time they brag about "huge oil reserves" Do they really think an oil company is going to spend mega bucks developing an oil field now that they have mentioned nationalisation?

As for that idiot cameron being opposed to it, this is just talking silly. Obviously there has to be a law passed by westminster to permit this referendum, could you have a referendum at your house, declare independance and then say you did not have to pay council tax?? doubt it!!!!

Funny how we will never get a referendum on europe, notice how it is always "after the next election"

Cameron WANTS them to vote yes, as it will make it next to impossible for the tories to ever be beaten by labour ever again, as the scottish are more or less solid labour voters. Apart from this, they will use a yes vote to keep the rest of us in europe, the excuse will be that "england is now too small" They want us to just be a "state" in europe in the same sense the america has "states" [i am in wales by the way]



Yes threatened BP with nationalisation (which someone on another forum costed as £10,000 for every man woman and child in Scotland to buy out all their shares)

And proposed that companies would have to give 2 YEARS notice of redundancy.

That will really have companies wanting to do business in Scotland NOT

How can you give 2 years notice of redundancy unless you have a crystal ball????

So far as i know they got no industry apart from the oil and a bit of ship building [they still going??]

Too cold and wet there anyway!!!


Oil is actually a lot less than people think, the civil service is bigger.

The oil will simply move out if Scotland, that comes from a friend fairly well connected to the oil in Aberdeen.

The big thing gets me is money, Scotland doesn't have a banking system, it's all in England, with just offices in Scotland,

Seems mostly under 30s that will vote yes, none of my family are voting yes, and everyone I know has said only a fool would,

out of everyone I know itseems to be slightly in favour of a no vote.

Out of the yes voters I would say the vast majority of them have no concept of what would happen after independance.

They are just voting with their hearts.

Personally I'm worried about it and hope that on the day sense prevails and we get a no vote.

I was hoping for a resounding no vote victory to end it here and now but if it's close then we could  end up with it dragging on.

I'm hoping the referendum will be like Thatcher.

There were not many that would stand up and say they supported her, until they got to the ballot box.

Likewise I hope there are a lot who don't want to shout about it, but will vote no when they get there.


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