Yes, but as far as I'm aware Wales is still part of the UK and is currently not represented on the union flag
Canoeboy said:I don't want anything what so ever to do with the EU - the only way forward is out and tell em to get stuffed
Salmons clearly believes he is helping the English out!!! He must believe that the Scottish economy will be bigger than the English economy? Odd how he concludes that when the large companies are talking of moving their offices to England. Think he's drunk too much liquid goldCanoeboy said:Just watched a bit on the net - They want our Gold - They will take our debt but we can't have their oil…...
Hows that work then ?
The thing is though, the people of Scotland have contributed to the UKs coffers in the taxes that they have paid up to now so they really own a pro rata amount of all the UK governments assets and debts.... This in itself should entitle everyone else in the UK to be involved in the voteSeen in the paper that we are going to give them 15 RAF typhoons, 2 frigates and a minesweeper. The government here must be nuts... I am telling you, for all his protests, cameron WANTS them to leave, he knows that this will prevent the labour party, [which are [or would have been] going to finish him right off come the election] ever getting into power ever again.
All politicians care about is themselves, why would the tories care is scotland was independant, makes no difference to them.
were in the sh*t because of the stupid and greedy bankers, not Labour, who were spending money they thought they would reliably get in tax from the banks. No party for the last 30 years has done anything to promote industry - real wealth generation that employs skilled workers, and the conservatives sold off the family silver, so when we buy water or electric, money is drained away abroad all the time. What did they do with the money - hide the real debts and bought votes....Oh lord, if labour get back in all will be rosy as it always is for 3 years while they spend spend spend, then we will be in the s**t yet again, the Conservatives will then get back in have to be hard on everyone to get us back on track like now, then Labour will get in again because people feel they are being hard done by, and we start all over again :coat :coat
It's a pattern that's been happening for years, will anyone ever learn.