Question For Prodave

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Wales was/ is a principality of England, hence the lack of flag representation.

Canoeboy said:
I don't want anything what so ever to do with the EU - the only way forward is out and tell em to get stuffed

We are too heavily tied to EU economically to just leave, having destroyed our commonwealth trade links to join the EU in the first place, and the EU is our biggest customer, and it has to be said I like the ease of jumping on the ferry abd scooting over the channel with minimal passport checks.

Alex Salmond goes to see the queen

..and tells her that when Scotland gains independence, it will become a kingdom and he will be the King.

The Queen says that won't happen.

Ok then, it will become an empire and I will be the Emperor.

No, she says. Not that either.

Alright, it will be a principality, and I will be a Prince.

No, she says. What if we call it a country?

Apparently they have to have their own currency for a few years before they can go "euro"

But Salmond is still hanging on the assumption that they can stay with sterling if they go it alone.... but haven't the Bank of England said NO

they even have passport control in place ready...


Canoeboy said:
Just watched a bit on the net - They want our Gold - They will take our debt but we can't have their oil…...

Hows that work then ?
Salmons clearly believes he is helping the English out!!! He must believe that the Scottish economy will be bigger than the English economy? Odd how he concludes that when the large companies are talking of moving their offices to England. Think he's drunk too much liquid gold :)

Seen in the paper that we are going to give them 15 RAF typhoons, 2 frigates and a minesweeper. The government here must be nuts... I am telling you, for all his protests, cameron WANTS them to leave, he knows that this will prevent the labour party, [which are [or would have been] going to finish him right off come the election] ever getting into power ever again.

All politicians care about is themselves, why would the tories care is scotland was independant, makes no difference to them.


Oh lord, if labour get back in all will be rosy as it always is for 3 years while they spend spend spend, then we will be in the s**t yet again, the Conservatives will then get back in have to be hard on everyone to get us back on track like now, then Labour will get in again because people feel they are being hard done by, and we start all over again  :coat   :coat

It's a pattern that's been happening for years, will anyone ever learn.

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Seen in the paper that we are going to give them 15 RAF typhoons, 2 frigates and a minesweeper. The government here must be nuts... I am telling you, for all his protests, cameron WANTS them to leave, he knows that this will prevent the labour party, [which are [or would have been] going to finish him right off come the election] ever getting into power ever again.

All politicians care about is themselves, why would the tories care is scotland was independant, makes no difference to them.

The thing is though, the people of Scotland have contributed to the UKs coffers in the taxes that they have paid up to now so they really own a pro rata amount of all the UK governments assets and debts.... This in itself should entitle everyone else in the UK to be involved in the vote

Oh lord, if labour get back in all will be rosy as it always is for 3 years while they spend spend spend, then we will be in the s**t yet again, the Conservatives will then get back in have to be hard on everyone to get us back on track like now, then Labour will get in again because people feel they are being hard done by, and we start all over again  :coat   :coat

It's a pattern that's been happening for years, will anyone ever learn.
were in the sh*t because of the stupid and greedy bankers, not Labour, who were spending money they thought they would reliably get in tax from the banks. No party for the last 30 years has done anything to promote industry - real wealth generation that employs skilled workers, and the conservatives sold off the family silver, so when we buy water or electric, money is drained away abroad all the time. What did they do with the money - hide the real debts and bought votes....

Absolutely exactly spot on.

Anyone who thinks labour ruined the country is nuts.

Who closed the coal mines???

Who closed the shipyards??

Who sold everything we own??

Who decided that they would get rid of "old fashioned metal bashing" and that we would be tourism and insurance etc??? Germans have not done too bad out of metal bashing eh.....

Remember this; Everytime you switch on a tap, or turn on a light, it is an IMPORT and is making the country poorer and poorer. This escapes the financial geniuses that govern us....

See, these lot we have now, have NEVER EVER generated any money, oh yes, they might be able to say; "daddy made 100,000 last week robbing poor people" [notice they will not even kerb the activities of "Wonga" and the like] but NOT ONE of them, has EVER got some raw materials, made something, and sold it. THAT is how you earn money, what they do merely redistributes it.

No good blaming the unions, if all the industries that were were "wrecked" by the unions, why did anyone buy them?????


Unemployment at its lowest eh??? ha ha, ever thought about the MILLIONS on "zero hour" contracts... MILLIONS of others on short term ones.

I know all you self employed folks will say: "We are on zero hours contracts"

Difference is, you are able to PLAN for tomorrow, the people i am talking about are not..


Enjoying reading these posts :) every one is well written and well thought out.

You guys should get into politics :innocent

You gotta remember these tory folks have never had to earn a living it's always been there so they have no idea what it's like to live on a low wage.

Politicians only really serve themselves this is why we're in this state.

Labour have their problems too: smothering liberal social polices, ridiculous quangos open borders etc etc. they weren't that great but we can't go on like this that's for sure.

I listen to LBC in the mornings but have to turn it off on a Wednesday because Nick clegg (another posh kid) is on.I just want to smash his face in with a hammer!

Boris and farage are on occasionally and this doesn't have the same effect.

But maybe they are both clowns?

As for Scotland I don't care anymore had enough now...


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Actually today there are the highest number of people in employment in Scotland EVER.  Not just since the start of the last recension, EVER.

Any reasonable person would conclude that shows the UK is working as one entity, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The SNP are claiming that is because of the work THEY are doing.  Well fine if they want to believe that then that's okay, but it is the work they are doing with the powers they already have, so again, it is working just fine as things are.

Tomorrow is the big day. Me and Mrs PD are voting no.

We will all know on Friday.  It's too close to call and I'm seriously worried. My only hope is the bookies are still favouring a no vote, and they are usually pretty canny.

It's going to come down to the "undecided" voters. I hope if they are undecided then they just don't bother to vote. The no camp have been urging them if you still have not made up your mind then that shows you are not convinced to vote yes, so you must logically vote no.

One thing is certain, I'm not going to sleep much Thursday night, and will be turning on the tv early on Friday to find out if we are screwed or not.

Nicola Sturgeon was heard on the tv saying "vote yes to stop us ever getting a tory government" completely the wrong reason to re design a whole country.

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John, it's not often I disagree with you, but, Labour and the unions virtually destroyed this country,

In fact, if they had been in power during the hunger strike then it's widely known fact they would have simply gave NI to Eire, it's documented in papers they passed to the Thatcher government at the time,

I fear the Falklands would have had the same fate,

I wasn't privy to that correspondence.

Labour is Socialist & Communist, the USER has proved that doesn't work, along with countless other countries,

Along with the novel, ' Animal Farm', we are all equal, just some are more equal than others,

At least in a capitalist state we know that.

Personally, I wouldn't piss on a labourite I'd they were on fire, who left the gates open to all the imports?

Who let all the immigrants in?

Who's wife made millions off the government with the human rights laws.

Who's wife really ran the country?

They think they are all going to be rich if the yes vote wins.

The yes vote people put some video up of a food bank with junkies, which is all our fault in England, even though England has the same.

The yes vote website is a joke, 10 reasons to vote yes should be, 2 reasons to vote yes and 8 made up general statements and lies.

Read a good article about the intimidation the Yes camp have been giving the No supporters. No supporters too scared to put up posters or say what they think as they fear what will happen to them. Reminded me of Africa, just less violent and racist (the Africans been less violent, angry and aggressive)

My misses is Scotch, and doesnt cope with stress, i cant wait till its over so she can calm down.

Originally i wanted them to stay, but after hearing all there rubbish i want the yes to win so they can crash and burn. I dont believe yes will win, i think the NO will get it, and then they can spend even more time been racist moaning bigots complaining haw bad the English are. I have never met a more racist nation then the Scottish people.

When the No wins my outlaws are going to be so angry and even more miserable :slap

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It needs to be NAW by a big majority otherwise it will raise it's ugly head again in a few years time.

The only advantage I can see as a yes is us in England should hopefully nor have to suffer a Labour government again, which can only be a blessing for our economy.

But, the other half of me doesn't want to see my family in Scotland destroyed.
