Question For Prodave

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I'm hoping the referendum will be like Thatcher.

There were not many that would stand up and say they supported her, until they got to the ballot box.

Likewise I hope there are a lot who don't want to shout about it, but will vote no when they get there.
from folks I know that seems to be the general consensus,

the yes voters are very full on so the 'NAW' voters are just going with the flow,

and hopefully you are right, and the anomity of the ballot box will win with a resounding NAW

The worst aspect for me, as a Labour voter, will be without Scottish support, the Conservatives will rule the rest of the UK. I actually want Scotland to go independent for the following reasons:-

1/ they can stop whinging that it's all Englands fault

2/ it will give the London-centric parliament a furkin good kicking - they might pay attention to the rest of the country after that???

3/ it will finally wake up politics amoungst the general public, who quite frankly are so apathetic they would rather vote for the X factor winner than someone who might do the country good

The worst aspect for me, as a Labour voter, will be without Scottish support, the Conservatives will rule the rest of the UK. I actually want Scotland to go independent for the following reasons:-

1/ they can stop whinging that it's all Englands fault

2/ it will give the London-centric parliament a furkin good kicking - they might pay attention to the rest of the country after that???

3/ it will finally wake up politics amoungst the general public, who quite frankly are so apathetic they would rather vote for the X factor winner than someone who might do the country good
the difference being?

cos neither the tories or the socialists have done the country much good for a long time,,,,,

I think its about time we gave Nige a shot at it tbh.

they're used to be lots of 'conviction politicians' like Thather, Michael Foot, Benn, Foot etc etc, but media mis-representation has forced that all underground leaving 'Stepford Wives' instead of politicians who are afraid to speak-out and be counted - it's all got bloody boring. Not helped by the Murdoch press lampooning anyone with ideas as nutty fruitcakes, lunatics, and extremists, especially if socialist (sorry that should be communist red-wing radicals), Murdoch not being a rather biased empire building capitalist of course :innocent . I had the great displeasure to read a Daily Express article the other day that reckoned we would all be better off without the scrounging, benefit happy Scots, ungrateful foreign barstewards that they are....   and we wonder why they want to run their own lives :facepalm:

The most ludicrous thing I heard today (from the Yes camp) is they have been dragging up voters who have not been on the electoral roll since the days of Maggie Thatcher (to escape the poll tax) and have not voted since the 1980's.

Of course these new found voters will read all the information from both sides and make an informed decision which way to vote.

Thought not. They will just vote yes as they are told to, probably without really knowing what they are voting yes to.

It really is like the Japanese fighters hidden in the jungle thinking they are still fighting the war.

They still haven't forgiven England for beating them in a fight, bit forget how much suffering was caused by their own clan leaders and old in-fighting. Was watching news - they had a Manchester born student living in Glasgow who is elligible to vote, which seems a bit odd, but ex-pat Scots can't vote, which seems very odd to me.

Ultimately though if Cameron hadn't gambled on a NO vote by only offering Yes/No, it would be a very different situation. BIt like the vote on Europe as a simple Yes/ No when in reality most of us want economic union with EU, but not political union - patronising winker that he is. I would really understand is the Yes vote wins due to the stupidity of Westminster Oxford/ Cambridge elite who think they know how to rule the UK

are they voting to leave the UK,


Great Britain,


the British Isles  ?

just got to thinking about all the places that are self governed that are still part of the British isles, but not Great Britain or the UK.

just wondering..........
