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  1. R

    How do I thank people on here?

    I was refering to that cryon class jibe furthur up. But you are quite welcome:D
  2. R

    How do I thank people on here?

    OH YEA! I looked straight past it. thank you. Thank you for not being sarcastic. Thank you for not stating the obvious. Thank you for not using it as an opportunity to take a cheap shot. Thank you for not using it as an opportunity to bolster your self esteem by scoring a petty point. I...
  3. R

    Here's a question - I wonder if...

    EMERGENCY LIGHT THING: The CCU was in the cupboard under the stairs which doubled up as a cloak room. I 3-plated the light and fitted a maintained bulkhead - Brand new. A little over 12 months later it packed up. So I fitted another one brand new. 12 months later that packed up. At this point I...
  4. R

    How do I thank people on here?

    Hi, I am a new member and in between some enjoyable banter, have had some very well informed replies to a couple of questions I have asked, green-hornet and andyc in particular. I wonder if someone would tell me the official way of thanking someone as I would like them to have the benefit of...
  5. R

    electric shock?

    With you a 100% on that one Mr G Hornet. There was a lad at N G Bailey just out or his time, who despite being told not to; Entered a riser which was a permit only area, which he was not authorised to do, removed the cover from a (600A) bus-bar tap-off box and went about trying to get a Ze...
  6. R

    electric shock?

    I always thought pulling the fuse was common Practce and tolerated by the boards. But I read on the net that if they caught you doing it they would report you to your governing body. And a man with a big angry face would come round your house and tell you off. I take it that you haven't met...
  7. R

    Russ andrews

  8. R

    Here's a question - I wonder if...

    Now, as you are probably aware the 17th stipulates that all conductors less than 50mm below the surface should protected by either RCD or an earthed metalic covering. ( i think thats how it put) I don't think a kitchen light should be on RCD. HOt water, hot oil, gas flames, electric rings...
  9. R

    Russ andrews

  10. R

    Russ andrews

    Also it doesn't work for all amps anyway. Naim it might but Linn it won't amd Linn themselves say that, because they have got round this problem by using a switch mode power supply. Others use D-class Amps. But they all have their strengnths and weaknesses. Don't get me wrong as I said I'm on...
  11. R

    Russ andrews

    As an electrician, who actually started out in life doing an electronics degree and also one that has had a life long interest in hifi. I am actually on the fence with this one. When you've got really high quality stuff and I'm talking
  12. R

    electric shock from cooker switch

    Elephants trunk. Am I right in thinking its a commercial kitchen? Not domestic? So there is 3 phase? Did you do an insulation resistance test? Because if that metal elephants trunk (copex) is damaged it could also mean you haven't got an earth path either. I once got 240v neutral to to earth...
  13. R

    NIC or NAPIT

    I've heard that NAPIT assesments can be easier than NIC, who will insist on seeing an actuall job. But I'm still in touch with the head of department at my local college and he went with NAPIT purely because they were prepared to asses work that was done in the booths at the college. Which...
  14. R

    electric shock?

    It's an interesting thought that the reduced cross-sectional (or should I say cross-sexual) area of the high heel may offer an increased impedance to the fault current. Thereby potentially limiting the severity of any shock. It's a good idea, and I think I'm going to try it myself. Yes I think...
  15. R

    Mounting Consumer Units

    Thanks to all for your help. I'm just going to jolly well do it. Should get it finished by Christmas! HeHe
  16. R

    Mounting Consumer Units

    Hi all, The majority of the work I do is industrial/commercial installation. I hate domestic and have always managed to avoid it. However, I'm changing my own CU and think I remember hearing that it ain't the done thing to mount em on a bit of back board anymore. Fire risk an all that. The...