electric shock?

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seems to me ive caused quite a stir. not bad for my first post eh ladies. ive only got shocks before by accident alot of people here think i do it dilibriate so you must be idiots to think that. most of the time its just touching an exposed wire thats loose in a socket or connector block or somthing like that. and iam only barely touched it ever so slightly. so no worries iam still alive to reply back to your posts.
many people here dont get shocks because they have more than the 1 brain cell you obviously have and dont touch live stuff. and you obviously dont know what your doing, so why are you messing about inside a live socket

Keep going the way you are and youll be dead soon.

many people here dont get shocks because they have more than the 1 brain cell you obviously have and dont touch live stuff. and you obviously dont know what your doing, so why are you messing about inside a live socketKeep going the way you are and youll be dead soon.
still not getting my point, seems to me you have the 1 brain cell. dont worry i eat alot of steak so ive got a good strong heart plus reaction speed like andy murray haha.

I would either take tails out of meter or pull main fuse what is the point.Batty
I always thought pulling the fuse was common Practce and tolerated by the boards. But I read on the net that if they caught you doing it they would report you to your governing body. And a man with a big angry face would come round your house and tell you off.

I take it that you haven't met this man then? X(

But I read on the net that if they caught you doing it they would report you to your governing body. And a man with a big angry face would come round your house and tell you off.
tell them your not registered with anyone

pulling fuses is common practice

and a good clear face visor.The last one helps keep your eyes should a large arc flash destroy a board in your face.
With you a 100% on that one Mr G Hornet. There was a lad at N G Bailey just out or his time, who despite being told not to; Entered a riser which was a permit only area, which he was not authorised to do, removed the cover from a (600A) bus-bar tap-off box and went about trying to get a Ze reading for the board on that floor.

His screwdrivers shorted two phases and whilst he did not receive a shock. He did spend a fortnight in hospital with his hands in plastic bags and severe burns to his face.

Amicus the union advised him to seek compensation on the basis that the reason he got into the riser in the first place was a 'systemic management failure' Can you beleive that?

I think it's interesting to note that only half a dozen electricians are killed each year due to electric shock, but in contrast 200 - 300 recieve serious burns.

I can not believe anyone would do such a thing as if it was common practice.

I have seen some really nasty burns in my time, one was a lad whose whole hand had a hole right through, it took a nano second to burm through the flesh.

Its all down to the arcing. my uncle recieved some major burns but from high voltage, since then I have always been extremely carefull.

I do work live, sometimes, but I have done it so long and respect the "force":^O

Thanks for reminding us about the fact that most serious injuries are burns, it may make some people stop and think what they are doing.

I think a lot of electricians work live ie. changing a switch or socket live , basic stuff I'm sure but still not right, a lot of the time this can come down to laziness. Remember electricity doesn't always give you a second chance, be careful, safe isolation at all times.

Take that extra 5 minuets and make sure everything is safe!

still not getting my point, seems to me you have the 1 brain cell. dont worry i eat alot of steak so ive got a good strong heart plus reaction speed like andy murray haha.
You really don't have a clue about electricity do you?

Oh well, not to worry. Electricity will soon take care of that. It's an excellent but harsh teacher.

I have passed my first year in 2330 , and according to what i have learned in college as far as health and safety is concern , it says one of the questions on my exam which i knew i have answered it right that before doing anything on a live wire , the first thing to do is ..... to unplug or make sure that the power is off ..... i just dont understand why you guys need to touch the live wire ... I think i really need to study more about this because i am bit confused why some of you were touching live cables or wires ...can i do that as well???? NOTE: to the GODFATHER ( THE DON ) can i touch live wires or cable too ???
NO DO NOT TOUCH LIVE WIRES unless you are in a very controlled situation.

Apart from special sitiations working live is just lazy and very dangerous, you're on a one way ticket to hell working like this.

Has nobody on here heard of the safe isolation procedure X(

NO DO NOT TOUCH LIVE WIRES unless you are in a very controlled situation.Apart from special sitiations working live is just lazy and very dangerous, you're on a one way ticket to hell working like this.

Has nobody on here heard of the safe isolation procedure X(
Sensible words 'Boltonsparky' Applaud Smiley

Why not go here and introduce yourself? Tell us where you are from............ ;)

why is that why i touch an exposed live wire i get a shock even thou my trainers have rubber soles. i only touched the live and not any other cable like earth etc. can any1 explain? thanks againGuiness Drink
oh er!!!!

looks like this has been an interesting thread wot I've missed been busy working:(

Do your trainers stipulate they are INSULATED to withstand a specified voltage?

e.g. My work boots have.....

1/ steel toecaps to protect my tootsies..

2/ a high ankle to provide a bit of extra support for my ankle joints....

3/ an insulated sole to withstand 1000volts!

I can only guess Mack87 that you are a young naive trainee or keen DIY type person? ?:|

There are very few situations where there is any need to work live.

There are several devices to check something is dead..meters, voltsticks, neons, volt detectors etc... all suitable to identify live parts!

There is a recognised "SAFE ISOLATION PROCEDURE"

Have you got a basic multi meter?

e.g. Maplins do some good ones or less than

I was wondering where "Boltonsparky" was from too , Patch. !!Evening Specs, where have you been ?
busy workin DEKE...

and a bit of "DADS TAXI" fetchin eldest back from university.... :(

and second eldest off to America! :_|

got quite a few job tickin at the moment..

seems to have been a rush of CU's to change...

AND they are NEW customer so can't grumble..... :) need to keep the new customers rolling in to increase the ole customer base for future return visits!

:D :x ; )

busy workin DEKE...and a bit of "DADS TAXI" fetchin eldest back from university.... :(

and second eldest off to America! :_|

got quite a few job tickin at the moment..

seems to have been a rush of CU's to change...

AND they are NEW customer so can't grumble..... :) need to keep the new customers rolling in to increase the ole customer base for future return visits!

:D :x ; )
You have to do it while youv'e got it these days . Everyone ( incd me) seems to be busy then slack in fits and starts. Theres a pair of sparks at my local Denmans have never stopped , perhaps their turn will come.


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