Russ andrews

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Russ Andrews do some "mains" cables that some people think make a difference. Maybe the other side of a conditioner but doubtful without a mains conditioner much improvement would be gained.

What did he want you to do?


it was the mains cable
Can it really make that much difference to audio-visual quality or does it just have snob value for techies with more money than sense?

Russ Andrews do some "mains" cables that some people think make a difference. Maybe the other side of a conditioner but doubtful without a mains conditioner much improvement would be gained. What did he want you to do?

he wanted me to install a circuit with this 'superior' cable.

Dont forget to double insulate it if your installing as a mains cable.

They also say stick a 16amp breaker on it as well!

Lordy lordy more money than sense.

Do the idiots who buy this junk believe the supply cables are super dooper enough to make any difference?

are they goin to pay for the cable between their house and the power station to be upgraded?!
That went through my mind too. These "audiophile" companies prey on the gullibility of technically inept people. I certainly wouldn't be keen to install something like that either.

Perhaps you could sell him a whole-house audiophile transient suppression system. It's quite easy to make. You just get a plastic box and put a gland and cable into it, add a neon indicator on the front to show it's working, make it feel really sophisticated by putting a brick in it and then seal the enclosure completely so he can't see the "secret" technology. :^O

Something like THIS!

That went through my mind too. These "audiophile" companies prey on the gullibility of technically inept people. I certainly wouldn't be keen to install something like that either.Perhaps you could sell him a whole-house audiophile transient suppression system. It's quite easy to make. You just get a plastic box and put a gland and cable into it, add a neon indicator on the front to show it's working, make it feel really sophisticated by putting a brick in it and then seal the enclosure completely so he can't see the "secret" technology. :^O

Something like THIS!
now that bigger version has got to be worth at least

As an electrician, who actually started out in life doing an electronics degree and also one that has had a life long interest in hifi. I am actually on the fence with this one.

When you've got really high quality stuff and I'm talking

good info about the amp itself, but i still dont see what difference the cable to it is... if its screened, like the FP200 you say, then it could help reduce interference between the DB and amp, but i doubt it would be noticeable. but either way, i wouldnt spend all that money on a bit cable!

I have worked for a band doing the sound tech stuff for a couple of years now, well a couple of decades actually.

One of my best mates does some major concerts, far too many headaches for me to do but each to their own.

When I do a sound check for any venue I always work on receptable frequencies and dB levels.

The human ear compared to that of a dog for example is like a morris minor against a Bugatti Veiron. Just not in any league.

We used to do sound checks with well known classical music phrases, because the musical notes where clear and perfect, this way you could work through the whole frequency range and reach a compromise.

Yes its always a compromise, because what one section of music sounds like in perfect mix is not what another will sound like.

You should always use the best cables you can from amp to speaker just to lower the background noise, this gives you more scope on volume or gain.

Americans go for a dropped earth, which has led to some fatalities, but thats America for you.

In summary the majority of humans can not, and never will be able to distinguish between

Depends how much of the bull you believe and how much it matters to your ego as to how much you pay for cable but, speaking as a serious hifi and music enthusiast, you have to be a muppet to pay

Also it doesn't work for all amps anyway. Naim it might but Linn it won't amd Linn themselves say that, because they have got round this problem by using a switch mode power supply. Others use D-class Amps. But they all have their strengnths and weaknesses.

Don't get me wrong as I said I'm on the fence with this. If you've got a

And no matter what you do, a recording is never going to sound like a live band performance.

I'm glad to say we are switching to digital amplifiers (Class D) these days. So much lighter and efficient with small switchmode power supplies.


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