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  1. Sparkie1


    Point taken Green-Hornet, though there was an element of jest in the post. Most of the houses on my island are built of dry stone with rubble infill then just drylined on the inside. With animals and animal feed, rodents are endemic.
  2. Sparkie1


    I do a lot of work on what estate agents call "rural properties" and often it comes down to rats having eaten the insulation off the cables. Does anyone know for certain why the rat doesn't cook himself? Is he to well insulated from earth by fur or what? They even do all three, L,N, and ce...
  3. Sparkie1

    big brother live

    I'm not. Flung the telly out a couple of years ago and got my life back. Well yes, I did get done for no licence but that had nothing to do with it. Yea yea we believe you.
  4. Sparkie1

    Wot's on your dial?

    Had a day of listening to the chippie's apprentices' radio, another day and I would be charged with apprenticide. The "music" is just about o.k. but the cretins talking (are they still called D.J.?) they dun my brain in. So wotcha hearin' dude? Me? R.2 if I am working with company, R4 when...
  5. Sparkie1

    through wiring

    Yes Bengie, have to agree with you, had lots of immersions like that on a housing scheme, then have to explain to the Council why it takes so long and costs so much. I like to think I have left my (grubby) fingerprints on a job for others to admire in the same way that I often mutter "good man"...
  6. Sparkie1

    Made in Britain

    Are we going to list hand tools as well? There are a lot of licorice screwdrivers with red gobstopper handles about! (ooh its covered in plastic, it must be for electricians)
  7. Sparkie1

    Work Boots

    Ooh it's me knees!! Down on me knees again, "In training for St. Peter Sparkie?" (thinks) P*ss off and let me get on will you. Tip 1) get a bit of off-cut kingspan from the chippy and write on it "Electrician's prayer mat". Tip 2) Get one of those cheap gardening mats Tip 3) Sew a pair of...
  8. Sparkie1

    Hello :P

    Hi Samage, and welcome. I used to live near Chester, just over the Border in Wales before moving to Orkney. I'm new also and am still finding things here to delight. Recommend the a view of "black pictures". Tasteful! Welcome again. Pip-pip, Sparkie1
  9. Sparkie1

    Downlight and Kingspan

    Down Lighters? downlighter?! Oh no, no they are so so passe, so yesterday, No my dear what you want is danglers, so retro they are NOW, and so in your face, and if you leave the shade off the warm cosy glow from your low energy lamp will give the atmosphere of an East German prison cell. I...
  10. Sparkie1

    Errr Hello chaps, I'm new here, but the job makes me feel old.

    Cheers lads, nice to feel at home. Sparkie1
  11. Sparkie1

    Errr Hello chaps, I'm new here, but the job makes me feel old.

    Sparkie1 here, new to the forum (love the "black" picture file). Based in Scotland, well not in Scotland, above Scotland, on the wee island of Hoy. Remember, painting feathers on a kipper does not make it a canary.