16th to 17th CU how would you tackle this

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Senior Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Im currently in the middle of a refurbishment of a large house that was re-wired around 10 years ago to the

16th edition, new 17-way split load MK consumer unit, ground floor sockets and shower etc on RCD side the rest on un-protected

throughout this refurb i have just about altered or extended every circuit on the unprotected side which will now require RCD protection

Obviously RCBO's would be the first thought, but at

After changing the DB and adding on your labour, is it that much cheaper ? 300 quid to change the board? that would buy you the rcbo's, and make your life simpler :)

I don't suppose there is 2 spare ways so you could jig the brakers over to fit another rcd in?

Other than that....10*rcbo @ 30=300 quid or 300 quid to supply and fit a new on. less testing to fit the rcbo in as you have already done those circuits and no need to test things you've not touched

Couldn't you get a better deal off your wholesaler for buying 10 x RCBO's? even TLC will do MK RCBO's for

let me get this right a 16th ed board? so thats an RCD one side and a switch the other. I dont see why you need 10 more RCBO's. Why not stick half the circuits on the RCD side and then use RDBO's for the other 4 or 5 remaining (or stick another RCD in)

16th edition boards did not comply in reality, so why do we now think 17th edition boards do?

They are at best a compromise.

I think I have sorted it now, can get a new mk busbar 20 module to cut accordingly and a new rcd and reconfigure the existing board to a dual rcd consumer unit
