17th edition lighting

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and yes, if it is plugged out, and does not connect to the national grid/DNO, as they have no such method of connection then you can run your 20kW electric shower of some .75 flex.

and yes, if it is plugged out, and does not connect to the national grid/DNO, as they have no such method of connection then you can run your 20kW electric shower of some .75 flex.
love to see a bit of 0.75 that can take 20KW! (although as bad as it is, im sure some people have!)

what about Klik stuff then.
you only test up to the point of connection.

you do not test beyond, what I would assume to be your besa box or suchlike.

you can if you wish unplug your klick, makes for testing banks of florries so much easier, one of the main reason they are used.

you only test up to the point of connection.you do not test beyond, what I would assume to be your besa box or suchlike.

you can if you wish unplug your klick, makes for testing banks of florries so much easier, one of the main reason they are used.
makes IR easier, but id still rather test R1R2/Zs at the light fitting instead of connection box

makes IR easier, but id still rather test R1R2/Zs at the light fitting instead of connection box
so you disconnect all the Neutrals and earths at 40/50/200 florries do you?

makes my point even clearer IMO.

so do you also test Zs at the TV then? exactly the same principal.

it may be a fixed appliance, doesnt make it part of the fixed installation.

like cooker outlets, and fused connection plates.

you test up to the point of connection, there is a box for this on PIRs, though Im pretty sure you never put in it "tested TV ZS reading".

andyc, Im not trying to fall out with you, and as my sig says, its just my opinion, you are very well entitled to disagree with it.

but I test a standard method no matter where I am, UNplug everything.

yes, Zs at the light fitting on a klik is good, but if you have a factory with say 50 flourescents on a bank do you do a Zs on every one,? cos otherwise you may as well just do the last one, you are only proving the connection at the klik for the other 49.

IMHO fixed equipment does not constitute part of the fixed installation.

ie, in a garage a 4post car lift is fixed equipment, but its not part of the fixed electrical installation, the isolator supplying it is tho, a mechanic could disconnect the car lift next week and connect a welder to the isolator. NO special skills or exams or knowledge needed to disconnect a few wires and reconnect something else. (I know we could argue all day on his competence, but in the real world that is what happens)

i know its your opinion, and i have mine. still useful to get both sides though.

your standard method of testing is obviously different to mine, but both still get test results as req'd, so its all good

normally i would only test from one light per klik box, at least it proves that the earth into the klik box does actually get to the output to the lights (admittedly, there is very little to go wrong for this not to happen), and so if you want to test at input to box, then go ahead. or, i have a klik plug with leads i can plug test kit into for testing that way

i know its your opinion, and i have mine. still useful to get both sides though.your standard method of testing is obviously different to mine, but both still get test results as req'd, so its all good

normally i would only test from one light per klik box, at least it proves that the earth into the klik box does actually get to the output to the lights (admittedly, there is very little to go wrong for this not to happen), and so if you want to test at input to box, then go ahead. or, i have a klik plug with leads i can plug test kit into for testing that way
thats exactly what I have, thats why I test at the klik.

sorry andyc, I suppose maybe Im just not that good at explaining myself sometimes.

I have a 4 terminal klik with connectors on the end to simply plug in, and I will do a random Zs on a few actual fittings, as you say, the chance of the klik to fitting failing is fairly slim, and a visual should be enough to verify.

sorry andyc, I suppose maybe Im just not that good at explaining myself sometimes.I have a 4 terminal klik with connectors on the end to simply plug in, and I will do a random Zs on a few actual fittings, as you say, the chance of the klik to fitting failing is fairly slim, and a visual should be enough to verify.
so after all that, we both test pretty much the same....
