2 gang, 2 way intermediate switch help!

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Jan 16, 2016
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This is my first post and just wanted a bit of clarification. I am changing the switches in my house and am a bit stuck. 

The switch I want to replace is 2 gang, 1 of the gangs is just a 1 way switch and the other is an intermediate. I think the electrician may have made it himself? The switches I have brought do not exist like this (Schneider screwless) but I have a 2 gang, 2 way and a 1 gang intermediate switch. I can undo the screws, remove one of the switches from the 2 gang 2 way and swap it for the switch from the 1 gang intermediate. I just wanted to know if this was safe! I can and have physically done it, but not yet wired it in as I wanted to be sure it would work and not do any damage! Is it possible the 2 gang 2 way switch would not be able to work if I was to swap one of the switches for an intermediate one?

Hope that makes sense, and I am learning from scratch so please nothing too complicated! If that isn't possible is there another way?

Thanks :D

Click mode do switches with interchangable modules so you can do what you want, but it won't be the style you are after.


the other way is grid switches, but again probably won't be what you are after.


I would say give it a try, but be prepared for springs and bits of switch to fall out as they are probably not designed to be swapped about, but if you can mange it and get all the bits back in the right place it will probably work.


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Thank you. Just to confirm, I have actually swapped the switch, so I know I can do it. The 2 gang 2 way switches are both separate, so I can take 1 out, swap that for the intermediate and leave the other untouched. I was then going to use the original intermediate which I have now made into a 1 gang 2 way as well as a single switch. 

I haven't wired it in because I didn't know if it would trip out or something (for example, I might be putting in too much power and the 2 gang 2 way wasn't designed for that much). Don't know if that actually happens, but just want to be sure! What would the worst that could happen be if I wired it up? Hope that makes sense

It sounds like you have a grid switch and the modules are individual but attached to a yoke (metal frame)??

If this is the case then you should be able to replace a module quite easily so long as it's from the same manufacturer and it's the same model

It sounds like you have a grid switch and the modules are individual but attached to a yoke (metal frame)??

If this is the case then you should be able to replace a module quite easily so long as it's from the same manufacturer and it's the same model
Yes, that is exactly what the old one was, however the new one I have is different.  The 2 terminal blocks (if that is what they are called, where you screw in the wires) can be unscrewed from the back and taken off completely with he switch still attached. Each has separate screws, so I can take 1 off or both. I was planing to take one off, replace it with a terminal block I had removed from the intermediate switch I have and screw that one back in. That way I am left with a 1 gang, 2 way switch and a 2 gang switch (1 switch that is 2 way and one switch that is intermediate). 

Sorry for my terrible explanation, I don't really know the proper names for things!

What make are the switches?

As I say give it a go and see if the switch modules come off in one piece or if bits fly everywhere.


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you can use an intermediate as a 2 way or a 1 way, so if you can find a 2 gang intermediate, itll work
Not many people know that.

There's an argument for saying why not just make 1G, 2G and 3G intermediate switches.  If that was all you made, they should be just as cheap and would do any function.


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What make are the switches?

As I say give it a go and see if the switch modules some off in one piece or if bits fly everywhere.
They are Schneider electric ultimate screw less. If I give it a go nothing serious will happen if I wire it in? There won't be too much power going to a light that was only designed to be 2 gang 2 way?

the worst thing that can happen is you will end up with a pile of bits if the modules are not intended to be swapped over, so try it on the 1G intermediate first.  If you manage to swap the modules over then it should work fine.

Ok good, so I won't blow up the house :)  I've swapped the modules over, no springs or anything came out, it was really easy, just undid 3 screws, the switch came out whole and I put the new one in, will try it in the light tomorrow and let you know. I have looked for a 2 gang intermediate but I can't find it in schneider. 

Thanks, that's useful to know another make of switches with interchangeable modules.

Can you give a description of the exact type or description of the range of switches you are using?

many switches are made as a complete unit, so you cant take them apart like that without bits flying all over. they simply are not designed for it. some switches (like what you have) have the individual modules that are then screwed to the front plate

many switches are made as a complete unit, so you cant take them apart like that without bits flying all over. they simply are not designed for it. some switches (like what you have) have the individual modules that are then screwed to the front plate
Great, so I made a good choice considering that I now need a 2 gang intermediate, seems like it would have been harder if I hadn't. And it doesn't make any difference that I now have a 1 gang 2 way and a intermediate switch together, they are compatible like that? Just seems weird that they don't make them all like that or at least 2 gang intermediate ones so that they would work with any type.

all down to cost & demand

intermediate switches are not used very often. its mostly 1w & 2w. its also the space they take on the back, intermediate is usually slightly bigger. if youre limited on space because of shallow box and lots of wires, it could be the difference between it fitting and not
