2330 203 exam help!!

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Hi everyone, ive got my 203 exam coming up on the 5th April and im brickin it! Any exam questions that people can remember or any other help would be much appreciated. Cheers.

It's online multiple choice isn't it, pretty easy if I remember correctly but go to Swindon-massive, lots of stuff on there

check the download section. There are some questions there, not many but its better than nothing. Other than that, just do like bhamoggy said and go to swindon massive. Also try google, should be some mock papers floating about.

Hope that helps. :)

And if in doubt, pick C or the longest answer :innocent

Hi, Does anyone remember some questions they might have had in their exams? I learnt all of the questions our lecturer gave us for the 205 mocks (260 questions in total)1 of them came up in the exam itself, I was gutted! complete waste of time, felt that they gave us the totally wrong things to revise. To be honest I'm not the best academically and am new to the industry so to be expected to learn everything in 1 year is a huge ask. Thanks

well you are not expected to learn everything in one year,

over 20 years on and I still learn stuff,

but you are expected to be NOT stupid.!

someone else said recently,

learn the subject,

NOT the questions,

that is IMHO a very very good piece of advice.

I must scoob them when I find out who said that,

come on, show me your post......

This is the hardest exam i sat. health and safety is obv really easy, but you have to get 60% on the other half which is quite hard
