2330 unit 3 (203)

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a few more questions.

Why is a nrutruel conductor available in a 3 pahse 4 wire distrubuiton system?

a, provide higher voltage

b, provide earth path

c, allow correct supply phase.

it is desirable to incrase the power factor of equipment in order to

a, reduce load voltage

b, reduce load voltage

c, reduce load current

a load is connected across an AC supply, current and voltage are in pahse. the load connected is

a, purely reistance

b, purely capacantance

c, purely inductance

a allow correcy supply phase? id say answer is B - provide earth path - you dont need a neutral to 'allow correct supply phase' - but a neutral doesnt have to be provided to get an earth - it may be star at Tx, and earthed as per normal, but neutral may not be supplied to property(but unusual for that to happen) b dunno C

c purely resistance? correct
my red
