cables in parallel, anyone?
Please explain more. 433.4.1 allows this for a ringcables in parallel, anyone?
YES.... Dependant upon certain design criteria...can a 4mm radial supply sks from a ring cct
Hi Steps,
Be a small submain though fed by a FCU !!!
[bike going great by the way, averages about 115MPG!!]
look at it in reverse - why can't you use 4mm on 32A circuitHi all,
It looks all plain enough to me.....
Unfused spur; one socket outlet, twin or single
Fused spur; Anthing you like, BUT the fuse CANNOT be larger than 13A
How difficult can that be to understand... Have a radial if you want, but it can either supply the one socket, or be fed via an FCU with a 13A fuse
It states in the book that; This appendix sets out options for the design of ring and radial circuits for household and similar premises in accordance with regulation 433.1 using socket outlets and fused connection units.
So, if these are the options, i presume anything else is not an option????
It goes on to say that "the load current in any part of the circuit should be unlikely to exceed for long periods the current carrying capacity of the cable"
As the current carrying capacity of the 2.5 is only about 20A this is the reason they stipulate only ONE twin socket or anything you like, but it MUST be via an FCU [ to limit load current presumably]
ah, but did you allow for PD over such a large area?unbalanced rings - that brings back memories! I remember some of the older sparks, wiring sockets alternately on the same ring and other nonsense to even up load on circuit. Since then i think every spark I have seen has completely ignored this old practice, and I can't say I have ever seen a problem caused by it. Have fitted spur with in line 20A MCB before to supply washing machine and tumble drier where there was no real way of constructing proper ring extension, but 13A would just not do.
Had argument with a couple of old (but not bright) sparks whilst re-wiring flat in very large old house. Circuit exceeds recommended 90m2 they harped, Zs about half allowed I replied....if you do the connections nicely you get low resistances :^O