A thank you

Talk Electrician Forum

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While we`re doling out thanks and praises......
oh we are doing thanks and praise now are we you little creepy creeper...

(more of a creep than Patchykins!)


I placed and order for a couple of polo shirts from our sponsors ...

Bishop whatsis name.... place...


so it was a few days back now.....

Money gone..

No info yet...

so e-mailed em' t'other day.....

gets an - e-mail back... "Ring Richard"

So I rang.....

and spoke to "BEN"!!! :^O


Ben said they were just holding fire to check if I wanted any additional logo on me shirts....

(Lekrwical forumulator logo is on anyway)

I said nope I will just have forum logo for now...

see what they are like before committing to any extra stuff...

Bottom line is all sounds OK ..

Ben said they will get thing sorted and should be out next week....

very nice and helpful guy..

So big thumbs up for Ben... (and Richard who e-mailed but I didn't speak too!!!) :x

Shall post photomigrafiks once the beasts arrive!


so e-mailed em' t'other day.....

gets an - e-mail back... "Ring Richard"

So I rang.....

and spoke to "BEN"!!! :^O

Thanks for the nice comments Kme, expedited ! is that what i did, well glad to help.

Look forward to receiving your meter at the right time Admin.

And you now put butter AND jam on your scones!and a napkin on your lap!

shall I bring some more strawberry jam for monday...

or is ther still a bit left in last weeks jar? :|
Just enough for Monday.
