am2 is this a fail

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Junior Member
Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
hi there just completed my am2 yesterday. everything went well except the easiest bit safe isolation. i didnt prove the martin dale before testing the ring circuit i realised at the end of that test but was to late. it through me off, i then i left the key in the padlock when testing the motor. does any1 know if this is definatly a fail

Depends if the examiner is sympathetic enough to allow for nerves . We have all been there making minor mistakes under exam conditions as we are human . The important thing is try not to let it throw you as how you perform in the rest of the exam could win it for you anyway ...unless you do something or many things which could be a danger of course . :)

Did mine about a year ago, and a lad did exactly the same, he failed, but only got called back to prove he could safely isolate a supply. He was there an hour tops I think. J

thanks for the replys. im sure it is a fail like but at least ill be more prepared the next time.

thanks for the replys. im sure it is a fail like but at least ill be more prepared the next time.
You will have learned one of the best lessons, that can never be learned in the classroom.

So it is not the end of the world, it may turn out to be the best thing to happen to you this year.

Thats how I would look at it.

If you have failed, you will not fail next time, and those who did pass have yet to make the same mistakes.

Good luck anyway.
