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When house prices have bottomed out (and they will continue to fall in value, for 2009), then recovery will begin, not until.


Thanks to all who have helped someone out on this forum in the last year, and all those who asked.

Thanks to the Admin couple, The moderators, whoever and whatever they are, and the unsung heroes.

Thanks for all the good wishes during recent events.

I hope to see you all typing away (with improved skill/ speed [in some cases trailer boy]) next year.

Finally I wish all of you whom I consider friends, acquaintances, assistants, Mrs. KME and everone else the most peaceful of christmas seasons, and the best 2009 you can hope for.


Very nice KME, athough (to be fair) you couldn't have been much more negative than the Don! :)

very true....

However, I do believe the Don is pretty well spot on with his analysis:| :|

the past environment of first time buyers needing 5x Two incomes and a 100% mortgage is unsustainable IMHO!!!

I was amazed to read about some banking Big-Wig saying he was surprised and unable to predict the change in the economy..........

I have been saying that to Mrs SL, for several years, that house prices are unsustainable in relation to the average wage!

We had new neighbours about three years back... and were.... to put it blunt..

shocked by the asking price for the other half of our semi!

we bought ours 20+ years ago based on 3x Only MY income!!!

we have had two substantial extensions built during that time...

and can still feel the pinch as things get tighter...

But based on our rough calc our new neighbours MUST be earning nearly 6 time our current income...... (unless of course they have other sources of help.. Mum & Dad??? maybe?)... which IS unsustainable for the average person IMHO!! :(

Mr Don is factually correct... although not the nicest of outlook at this time of year!! :eek: :)

BUT looking at the wider picture....

I don't have to walk 3 miles down a dusty road to get water from a well & a bit of grain for our food!

Tough yes.....

But still better off than many other people struggling on our planet.

Don't forget to share a little bit of what you got with others less fortunate than yourself this Christmas...

even that bit of loose change in your local charity collection box

can help make a Happy Christmas & a brighter New Year:) :D ;) :xGuiness Drink

At this conjecture I shall wish everyone a


for those working for themselves.. hope business picks up or keeps up over the coming year.

for those studying... hope your courses go well & you pass some more exams during 2009!

for those who are employees... hope you get on really well with your bosses & management and lets hope for some improvement in your employment terms & conditions in 2009.

for those doing sub-contract work.. especially those who normally do building site work, I hope you get sufficient new work during the coming year..

and to any one else I missed off... (Vets maybe?)

Have a good new year one and all!

Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink;) :x
