Automatic Fire Detection Systems

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Jan 2, 2012
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Hi all.

Just pricing my first one of these systems for a small retail unit.  Does anyone know why the bits are so bloody expensive?  The fire control boards seem to be around £1,000 before you even start on detectors, break glass boxes and sounders.

Don't even get me started on the cost of red cabling!

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It's the insurance, and standards that you have to have are the really eye watering bit!
which is exactly why I dont do FA or intruder alarms either,

simply not worth it to me for the extra on my insurance and all the books/regs/courses/scams I would need,

I reckon it would cost me close to 3k a year, plus the initial outlay for various manufacturers approval courses,

simply not worth it to me,

So what do you do on rewires (if installed) and new builds or extensions? You would need insurance and a BS standard for these.

Scheme membership would be down to the customers request, and im not sure about manuf courses.  

Yes Woz, you need insurance and the relevant documents for ANY work you do, coz, IF, it goes belly up & you don't have it, you will be hung out to dry.

Sorry badly worded post there, I was asking steps does he install smokes on rewires, or extension or new builds? Because thats a fair chunk of the market to say no to or have to get someone else in to do.

I can see how my post led to some confusion there!

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Yes Woz, you need insurance and the relevant documents for ANY work you do, coz, IF, it goes belly up & you don't have it, you will be hung out to dry.
Too blinking right you do..

Mines got a claim in at the moment :(

I must have damaged a flat roof (empty cottage) and it wasn't noticed for 3 weeks or more; funny thing is I was in there only 3 or 4 days before I was told of damage and there was nothing showing,, I don't believe the owner would lie though

Drill,,, hole :shakehead right where the water drops off the pitched roof :(

Drilling through from flat roofed side trying to get access through to loft above adjacent pitched roof.

Damage - flat roof (or part of),,, ceiling,,, dry lined walls

My mate once drilled through wall from inside out for outside flood, got measurement wrong and drilled into adjacent room and into wardrobe where the drill wrapped itself round a ball gown.

He unwrapped it, hung it back up and said nothing. 2 weeks later client called him and said, anything you want to tell us, oh the small accident with the dress, they said they would deduct cost from his bill, £900, his bill was only £300 so he owed them £600, he never paid them, sadley he's no longer with us, but it was so funny watching him unwrap that dress.

So what do you do on rewires (if installed) and new builds or extensions? You would need insurance and a BS standard for these.

Scheme membership would be down to the customers request, and im not sure about manuf courses.  
Im not quite following

Fire Alarm systems are not the same as domestic smoke detectors, in a normal domestic you merely have a smoke detection system[with perhaps heat detectors], it is not what I would class as a fire alarm,

my insurance is quite happy about that.

I see I thought you were saying you walked away from smoke alarm systems due to the extra cost of insurance and standards, but you just meant FA systems.  

yea, sorry Wozz,

my insurance is fine for normal domestic, and HMO as long as a dedicated panel is not required, then it becomes a 'fire alarm' is the way I understand the policy, and also backed up by phoning them,

unless a panel system is used then I am covered,

intruder alarms are only covered as per installation, not for failure etc, so I dont do them as a rule, unless for customers that fully understand I do not cover the alarm NOT working.
