BDC in administration

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There appears to be many ex-bdc staff with plenty to talk about on this forum.Many people with strong views about certain individuals good & bad, and certainly individuals that were among those loyal to etc, if not them personally appear to be participating on this forum.

As also an ex-bdc member of staff I have my own views on the old BDC.

The problems were there many years ago and just ignored or not believed by He allowed to introduce many new ideas etc to grow the company, but after a few years the hatchet man ) was removed and quite rightly so. The Divisional Directors (Rest in peace!) Then tried to control things and had some success before the introduction of another crazy plan from . The staff worked well without getting the support they had been crying out for. In the last couple of years the directors focus was to reduce staff levels without incurring any further cost (natural wastage! term).

Those loyal to . would use any tactics to get what they wanted and frequently did. In truth people (staff) did not matter and what ever was necessary to reduce staff was adopted by those mentioned.

To sum up, New Business..... Same People.... Same Lies..... Same Deceipt.....Leopard Spots????? TRUST I DONT THINK SO, NOT ANY MORE.

I wish the new company everything they deserve........... and I will let you decide what they is! :z :z:z
"Managed out the business is the phrase" that springs to mind. I can think of a few people that applied to - , among them.

No I don't think any of them are on here...too busy securing jobs with people they've ****ged off!!! :^O
And you were unstingly polite about "outwomans"?

Thanks for the insight Paula D . It's only reading this post that makes me realise just how low a regard we were held in. It gives a person no pleasure to have to tell a Customer that we have no stock of the item and won't have for 3 weeks . It did make me laugh though when I joined and saw that our vans had the logo "The trades biggest discounter " MAINLY COS WE WERE SO EXPENSIVE . I wish ALL ex members of staff well because it is no fun for anyone to be out of work .

One other point . I said earlier that there were good people in t'North and someone disagreed , which is their prerogative . However when 4 members of staff go to Stearn and the business doubles ?? That's good staff .

I have worked in Warehousing all my life and would happily work with at least 95% of the Office and Warehouse staff again .

crackin summary paulad. however was a smart cookie. ok, a bit in your face and very outspoken. but he knew how to manage multi site businesses. dont let a personality cloud a business perspective. this is why bdc went pop. it had as an hr manager whispering into ear all the time about people she didnt like. that was turned into a business decision and a whole lot of good people were 'managed out'. these people who left in the last 4 years or so, knew what they were doing but faces didnt fit with therefore instead of pushing the buisiness forward with a customer focused view it was piloted by self indulgent idiots who wanted figures to be produced to benefit them. the financial and sales irregularities created to paint rosy pictures for a selected few was criminal (metaphorically not legally !). other than the view, i agree with you paula d

I can honestly say I NEVER ****ged off the competition. I just highlighted their downsides!
What were our upsides, the stock & deliveries?

Im lost with all this code nonesense.

Inmans have served indie customers quite well. after all i still see them trading at the moment. 1 up so far.

as far as initials being mentioned , who's . is obvious and ?) reckon mr based on the indies link. ah.. get it now, must be . all nice fellas as far as i recall, especially real gentleman with not a bad word for anyone. fair play to him.

so likelylibre is then? nice one.

bdc had so many upsides, just never realised or took advantage of them.

Woolies and Zavvi staff at least knew they were having problems. The management gave them some indications of the state of the Company throughout the last couple of years. They had to due to being a plc. BDC staff were fed lie after lie about new finance deals, blue sky thinking plans and other misleading direction from the senior staff just to try and hide the mess made from up above. im sure the good day to day centre staff at bdc would have actually been more supportive if someone had actually said, 'hey guys, times and trading is tough, we need everyone to dig in and give it their best shot, no promises but jobs can only be safe if we generate the sales'. other companies have done it. the bdc management were too arrogant and self interested to think of actually getting all the other staff onside in order to help the business trade itself out of trouble.

Well I filled many questionare about BDC over the years but nothing ever seemed to change ie stock levels etc. So someone was not listning.


Hi All

Still kicking over the putrid corpse that was BDC?Not murdered but suicide.

Never known such a bunch of customer unfriendly dimwits running a company in my entire life,based on cronyism,jobs for the relatives,lack of business acumen in any way and complacancy.As the new lot operate on the same principles I give the Brain Dead Company about a years painful death.

They talked the talk about customer service but really couldnt give two hoots about that-maximum profit for minimum effort with underpaid staff who were up against it with a creaking infastructure and an arrogant management who talked lots but could'nt run a bath.I pity any one who goes with the new lot-you'll only have yourselves to blame.

I understand the administrators are looking at it all very closely and i dont blame them.

erm, fair point rather stongly made.

but rather than this being a corpse kicking, how about accepting that a lot of good decent people gave their all to this Company and have suffered greatly at the expense of the mismanagement. unlike those lucky few who still had an income over xmas and continue to do so from the remains of said corpse.

i think this sort of forum allows people to air their pent up views AND MORE importantly gives the Industry a real view of the company that now continues.

I think suppliers and customers alike should know who and what BDC2008 is, the reputation and integrity of those running it and of course the likely outcome of doing business with them is.

Hi AllStill kicking over the putrid corpse that was BDC?Not murdered but suicide.

Never known such a bunch of customer unfriendly dimwits running a company in my entire life,based on cronyism,jobs for the relatives,lack of business acumen in any way and complacancy.As the new lot operate on the same principles I give the Brain Dead Company about a years painful death.

They talked the talk about customer service but really couldnt give two hoots about that-maximum profit for minimum effort with underpaid staff who were up against it with a creaking infastructure and an arrogant management who talked lots but could'nt run a bath.I pity any one who goes with the new lot-you'll only have yourselves to blame.

I understand the administrators are looking at it all very closely and i dont blame them.
You don't mean the pension fund do you? I have some interesting hard copy about this & am thinking of opening up a new thread on the subject.

.................this thread end shows classic signs of hurt ego's!! When you were in your jobs at bdc did YOU care about anyone apart from yourselves - I suspect were all to blame!

self self self..............stop whing and find yourselves a job!!!

.................this thread end shows classic signs of hurt ego's!! When you were in your jobs at bdc did YOU care about anyone apart from yourselves - I suspect were all to blame!self self self..............stop whing and find yourselves a job!!!
How can we to blame when nobody listened? The company was run as a dictatorship by one man & only his ideas & opinions mattered. Q. Why do you think Bridisco was never floated on the stock exchange at its peak? A. The company would have to appoint external exec. & non-exec. directors & be accountable to outside regulatory sources.

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