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.......................lovely coded messages the truth is most of you lot back stabbed each other when working together to [* unnamed persons *] . Now you huddle up in a void cleaning each others wounded egos. oh please

.......................lovely coded messages the truth is most of you lot back stabbed each other when working together to [* unnamed persons *] . Now you huddle up in a void cleaning each others wounded egos. oh please
My friend, Shalom my friend, shalom

ShalomWhy dont you go off to Facebook and annoy people over there?

You are just a wind up merchant.

You didnt work in Peterborough did you.?Your literary style looks very familiar.
You obviously did, is that coz mum lived near there


.......................lovely coded messages the truth is most of you lot back stabbed each other when working together to [* unnamed persons *] . Now you huddle up in a void cleaning each others wounded egos. oh please
This may be true further up the chain , but at my level (Warehouse Manager ) I don't think so . Truth is , at the level we were at , we had to trust the people above us , because we really didn't have a voice anywhere . Yes , there were the Staff Suggestions , I posted 10 of these in 3 years and all were ignored . I think that the main casualties in all this are the Customers and the people at grass roots level . That's not to say that it's different every where else . but a business needs to listen to the people at grass roots because thats where the problems start .

.......................lovely coded messages the truth is most of you lot back stabbed each other when working together to [* unnamed persons *] . Now you huddle up in a void cleaning each others wounded egos. oh please
i think some of the codes are actually quite clear even to a Simpleton, mmm there's something, ; ; you dont get them!

from what i can see there are definately no egos on here exept yours which has a dominant characteristic of being judgemental. (could be guilt) either way, just try and understand the difference between wounded whinging and honest discussion. From the nature of your posts you indeed are a member of the senior managment and so will have no comprehension what so ever about the term i've just used, i.e honest discussion.

most people posting are merely giving an open and frank exhange of info and opinions. if that bothers you so much do one of two things. present an objective response with a meaningful argument, and, if you would like to, name names as most of us have. or alternatively go off.

but dont just keep sniping from the safety of your silly pseudonym without explaining your opinion.

its weak, its cowardly and above all its typically BDC senior managment !!!

by all means join in, but at least show some smidge of integrity.

at the moment you just appear to be the bitter foolish one.X(X( X(

.................this thread end shows classic signs of hurt ego's!! When you were in your jobs at bdc did YOU care about anyone apart from yourselves - I suspect were all to blame!self self self..............stop whing and find yourselves a job!!!

Applaud Smiley

[* unnamed persons *] struggling already, not recognised in Scotland[* unnamed persons *] working for stearn, good luck to her
do you know if any one else from 74 moved as well

[* unnamed persons *] struggling already, not recognised in Scotland[* unnamed persons *] working for stearn, good luck to her
very ill informed, or another senior bdc staff member whose only response to any sort of situation they dont like is to spread lies, insults ,rumour and blame.

[* unnamed persons *] are very healthy, cash rich AND STILL IN BLOODY BUSINESS.

they have a good guy at the helm and a good reputaion overall.

i wish [* unnamed persons *] best of luck , dont think he was a great rm or accounts manager or even centre manager, but he WAS great with customers and at least he tried to be honest though he was a couple of spoons short of a full cutlery set. but [* unnamed persons *] will use him to his strengths and keep him away from computers, warehouses and p&L's.

[* unnamed persons *] is lovely, and deserves good luck at stearn.

But many didBTW Which "national" distributor has a sales force of two but can't afford fuel for them?...BDC 2008!!!
How sad

Get up to date

No sales force in BDC 2008Applaud Smiley

very ill informed, or another senior bdc staff member whose only response to any sort of situation they dont like is to spread lies, insults ,rumour and blame.[* unnamed persons *] are very healthy, cash rich AND STILL IN BLOODY BUSINESS.

they have a good guy at the helm and a good reputaion overall.

i wish [* unnamed persons *] best of luck , dont think he was a great rm or accounts manager or even centre manager, but he WAS great with customers and at least he tried to be honest though he was a couple of spoons short of a full cutlery set. but [* unnamed persons *] will use him to his strengths and keep him away from computers, warehouses and p&L's.

[* unnamed persons *] is lovely, and deserves good luck at stearn.
IF CASH RICH, why trying to sell it????

There used to be a really really rubbish manager at manchester, his name escapes me but he used to work for Argos.

Dont have a clue what he's doing now, but he wasnt a patch on [* unnamed persons *] .

And do you remember that RM who took him on.........Rumour has it someone has started a fan club!!!

Floppin eck!!!

this thread has got more PAGES

than some other threads have got posts!!!! :eek: :^O:^O

all I can say is welcome to all the new members who are joining via this thread...

just to warn you all ...

don't think the Mod's & Admin like it if you start makin too many allegations naming names of bods not here????? :eek:

But still makes Bl00dy good reading tho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Blushing:D:D:D:D:D

goto be honest...

I never heard of BDC before this thread!!!

were they more down south???

For the thick & slow at the back o the class...

I assume & guess from threads....

they were a wholesaler doing appliances (e.g. white goods etc..)

as well as cable & installation stuff etc...?

30 odd outlets...?

had been going a fair few years..?

but not a PLC?

small core group of "family members" running the shop..

run short of cash.... or to rapid expansion..

Now liquidated ... or in liquidation???

Sounds like a whole bunch of you have been working hard.....

but had the brown stuff tipped on your heads!!! :( :( X(

(I got a T-shirt like that.. before I started working for myself,

hope you guys can get yourself sorted in new work? :| :x )

sorry for intruding...Blushing


I just wanted to be part of "THE BIG THREAD"!!! :D :D:DBlushing

was past belfast centre to day and the rear doors where open and a customes van was removing stock !!
Probably [* unnamed persons *] taking back Whirlpool stock!

Also appearing at the pie shop in St. Helens.

There used to be a really really rubbish manager at manchester, his name escapes me but he used to work for Argos. Dont have a clue what he's doing now, but he wasnt a patch on [* unnamed persons *] .
[* unnamed persons *] . was another who got stitched up & managed out the business. After [* unnamed persons *] was [* unnamed persons *] . & then [* unnamed persons *] [* unnamed persons *] , the ex-Argos man. He was a grafter & not a bad mng. Just had to put up with all the usual [* unnamed persons *] crap & staff cuts which is why he left.

[* unnamed persons *] took him to be a Senator as Reg. Sales Mng. for his reps. Another one like [* unnamed persons *] who had never been out on the road.

About 2 years back [* unnamed persons *] had Bridisco on the market & [* unnamed persons *] outfit along with several other companies looked at them. They all walked away as Micromark was not included in the deal. If it had maybe there would be a lot less people looking for jobs.

But many didBTW Which "national" distributor has a sales force of two but can't afford fuel for them?...BDC 2008!!!
To call ES a salesman is an insult to anybody who's ever sold.

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