BDC in administration

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Its a pity they didnt "swallow up" BDC!
They could quite easily have done if Micromark had been included in the deal.

I enjoyed this a lot more when we were talking about the incompetence of the Senior management,How deep a certain department of the administrators are going to dig and encrypting the clues that people were putting out.

I have a few points to chuck in-

Blaming the administrators for the collapse of a company is like blaming the coroner for the murder.

Can I become a Consultant please-I know a bit about baby seats in cars so feel qualified to do it.

Can we have a bit more indignant anger please?

How is the Scottish Office doing?Must get lonely up there just him and his large fonts.

Whats the weather like in Spain?

Whos watching the watcher?

Is there anyone out there who is buying from BDC2008?

I have to agree with you Kate. Let's hope those who have the answers to your questions have not been 'scared off' voicing their opinions.

There must be SO many with a tale or two to tell....

I have to agree with you Kate. Let's hope those who have the answers to your questions have not been 'scared off' voicing their opinions.There must be SO many with a tale or two to tell....
That's just it - If they are Tales, then they shouldn't be told - Facts then Yes. ;)

PS - Welcome to the forum. :D

Thank you for your welcome.

I hate to be pedantic but according to my dictionary a tale is a narrative that relates the details of some real or imaginary event, incident, or case

I wasn't suggesting anybody lies, exaggerates, misleads, or in any way embelishes the truth.

Perhaps I should have used the word 'experiences' instead of tales for greater clarity!

That would be the fourth meaning listed.

Unless you have an old dictionary.



That would be the fourth meaning listed. Unless you have an old dictionary.


Isn't all a question of semantics? Need a lie down, my head hurts.

Just thinking, if the company paid for a trip to USA, will the administrator want his hair back?

Just thinking, if the company paid for a trip to USA, will the administrator want his hair back?
How do you know that I am losing it? :|


The hair, that is - Before some smart alec comes on and suggests otherwise. (Usually the Wife). :^O

The hair, that is - Before some smart alec comes on and suggests otherwise. (Usually the Wife). :^O
You're welcome to it as it wasn't a particularly good transplant. Mind you, better than his father's wigs!


An official complaint has been received by myself.

I requested some time ago that no-one is to name and shame and mention names.

This INCLUDES the use of a person's initials, or any other identifying factor.

The initials that have already been used and other identifying factors will be removed from this thread Tonight.

ANYONE - that does not respect the above notice and continue to post identifying factors of those of BDC or it's associated companies, will be banned from this thread.

If that person continues, it will lead to forum suspension and or a complete ban.

This is a highly respected and Friendly forum. Nothing is going to change that.

Thank You for your co-operation,

Kind Regards,


You're welcome to it as it wasn't a particularly good transplant. Mind you, better than his father's wigs!
Most of the posts on here have been good fun and in some cases rightly informative to a lot of people joining the site who lost their jobs and never knew why.

Some of the truth has also been revealed and in many cases edited or deleted for reasons we have to respect, but not necessarily agree with.

Its a shame but rules are rules.

Some BDC managers and directors are also very much in evidence on this thread, and Im sure their input has been as truthful and constructive as ever, but the one person who deserves NO mockery or mickey taking, no matter how playful, is the man who founded the Company.

A unique character who despite some of his eccentric methods deserves respect.

Most of the posts on here have been good fun and in some cases rightly informative to a lot of people joining the site who lost their jobs and never knew why.Some of the truth has also been revealed and in many cases edited or deleted for reasons we have to respect, but not necessarily agree with.

Its a shame but rules are rules.

Some BDC managers and directors are also very much in evidence on this thread, and Im sure their input has been as truthful and constructive as ever, but the one person who deserves NO mockery or mickey taking, no matter how playful, is the man who founded the Company.

A unique character who despite some of his eccentric methods deserves respect.
I would say that these comments are about where we should leave it . We've had our say , right or wrong as it may be , we've stretched the patience of some very kind Mods and Admin and we on the shop floor have learnt a lot more than we knew .

I'm off to practice for either of my new careers :

Big Issue , get your Big Issue


Would you like fries with that ?

So that should be it ..........

Or do you know different ???

*** IMPORTANT NOTICE ***An official complaint has been received by myself.

I requested some time ago that no-one is to name and shame and mention names.

This INCLUDES the use of a person's initials, or any other identifying factor.

The initials that have already been used and other identifying factors will be removed from this thread Tonight.

ANYONE - that does not respect the above notice and continue to post identifying factors of those of BDC or it's associated companies, will be banned from this thread.

If that person continues, it will lead to forum suspension and or a complete ban.

This is a highly respected and Friendly forum. Nothing is going to change that.

Thank You for your co-operation,

Kind Regards,

  • Due to the above many of the posts have now been edited, which in some cases makes them appear more gibberish than they were originally. There has been NO favouritism or bias in any of the editing undertaken, other than to ensure the interests of the forum are met.
  • Comments by members about the quality and reliability of products and services provided by a business are probably helpful to the wider forum membership.
  • But generally bickering about the internal workings of a business structure, which can no longer be changed has a very minimal benefit. So I would assume after two months of posting and reading this thread, most people have had opportunity for their gripes and moans to be aired?
Possibly, Admin, it is now time to close this thread and for us all to move on to other topics of a broader interest?

Doc H.

This Thread is now closed and Is a "Read Only" Thread.

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