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Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Viva La Chesterfield, United Kingdom
Sorry first of all if this makes Me sound as thick as 3 short planks, but I was asked about a second opinion on a PIR from a friend

Would the boiler be able to run on 3 phase, or single phase without any modifications?

would it be "allowed" to have a shared neutral/feed?

There was no RCD fitted, nor a an EIC supplied. (It was on its own circuit) protected by a 32A rewirable fuse.

It was installed in 2008.

The IR results are something not conforming to regs.

This is a domestic house by the way.


Do you mean a standard gas , central heating boiler, as in a combi ? If so, no way can it be connected to 3 ph.

Perhaps you refer to an electric central heating boiler, as in the 10KW jobbies. If it has three seperate elements I suppose you could change the internal connections to a star configuration and connect the neutral to the star point . A huge warning notice would be needed in a domestic situation and a 3 pole local isolator .

for a boiler to run on 3 phase, it would have to be deigned for it

a 3 phase boiler may be suitable for single phase, should be in minufacturers instructions

you should never have a shared/borrowed neutral

cant imagine a 3 phase boiler in a house, unless its electric only heating, and a 3 phase head installed?

Was talking to Andy on MSN about this..

No gas in property and no loop for the other phases, just some 6mm T and E to the boiler.

Was talking to Andy on MSN about this..No gas in property and no loop for the other phases, just some 6mm T and E to the boiler.
its probably got a similar setup to a electric hob - 3 phase input, but you can link all 3 phases if using single phase

is it working? if so test it for safety and leave it alone.

by the sound of it it would work if you put a supply on L2 and L3 as well,but remember if it packs up you would be the one who touched it last,also if you did connect up the unused elements obviously you would need to upgrade the supply cable and protection device.

the advantage in leaving it as it is ,is ,if an element burns out in the future ,it would be an easy repair to use one of the spares :)

hope ive helped somewhat

It wouldnt run though on single phase without the links then?
it would need the links. basically, its wired in 'star', where all neutral are common, and each element has its own phase. in case of single phase, each element is linked so it runs from the same phase
