Hello all
Checked out job today. Woman wants to replace her broken storage heaters with electric radiators which she has already purchased. Had a previous electrician check it out and say it can't be done. I think it can but just want to check would be approaching it right. I've included 2 photos of board and schedule. As you'll see from photo it's a dual supplied board. The right hand side being the one storage heaters are on. I haven't got much experience of economy 7 or dual supply so don't shoot me down and couldn't gain access to electric storage cupboard it's an old residential block of flats. I got there at 4 o clock and there was power present at storage heaters. Should this be the case if it is a genuine economy 7 set up? I thought the power to this side should only be kicking in at off peak times. She also reported although not 100% convinced that the storage were just coming on at all random times of day. My options as I see it is if can be sure this isn't an off peak supply I can just utilise the storage heater supplies for the new rads or if it's even possible disconnect the off peak supply at fuse board and link out the main supply side to the off peak. Any advice, things not considering appreciated.

Checked out job today. Woman wants to replace her broken storage heaters with electric radiators which she has already purchased. Had a previous electrician check it out and say it can't be done. I think it can but just want to check would be approaching it right. I've included 2 photos of board and schedule. As you'll see from photo it's a dual supplied board. The right hand side being the one storage heaters are on. I haven't got much experience of economy 7 or dual supply so don't shoot me down and couldn't gain access to electric storage cupboard it's an old residential block of flats. I got there at 4 o clock and there was power present at storage heaters. Should this be the case if it is a genuine economy 7 set up? I thought the power to this side should only be kicking in at off peak times. She also reported although not 100% convinced that the storage were just coming on at all random times of day. My options as I see it is if can be sure this isn't an off peak supply I can just utilise the storage heater supplies for the new rads or if it's even possible disconnect the off peak supply at fuse board and link out the main supply side to the off peak. Any advice, things not considering appreciated.