Charging Companies For Time Wasted?

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Something recently found out, regarding Giffgaff, Tescomobile & the like.

The reason they`re cheap is that they only rent a percentage of the network tower - Giffgaff & Tesco use 20% of O2`s towers` signal; hence the reason for some of their ***** coverage........................

If I`d known that before taking an 18 month contract with Tesco, I wouldn`t have done it- crap signal all through the house, and poor/none in some areas of the Gower - although a colleague on O2 proper still gets a 3G signal, where I`ve got no coverage at all.

Be careful,..................

spending much time in the countryside and far reaches of deepest Devon, I gave up on Orange years ago, not only could you not gat a signal half the time, it would vary over the day. On one job, signal downstairs indoors in morning, upstairs by window lunchtime, and up the dirve 500yards in afternoon. Change to O2 and have been with them ever since, far superior signal.

My pals on tesco and also has no problems with signal. Im vodafone and its ok 90% of time but wanted anyones views on virgin please as £20 a month all unlimited inc data :)

If your ever having trouble with a telecoms customer service and it's been going on for a fair amount of time ask them for a final RESOULTION letter.

This is an automatic fine from the telecoms ombusdman because basically you have gone as far as possible with their customer service procedure

and you are contacting the telecoms ombusdman to sort it out.

My son told me this as he works for BT and that by asking for the letter gets things moving pretty quick believe me i did it with 3Mobile and got a free samsung S3 to replace an old nokia they messed up unlocking.

I also sent an email with all the calls i had made and the actual cost of those calls and the amount i would bill for the time spent sorting it out.


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