Christmas presents for sparks?

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nothing wrong with rifles or shotguns it`s the idiots that get hold of them that cause the problems:^O i miss my army day`s i loved my SLR,great piece of kit would stop an elephant no probs. :)
Heaven !!!!!!

being left handed it was a dream i could hit anything

SA80 wot a load of rubbish had to fire it right handed couldnt even see the end of the barrel pants.

At least with the SLR if some git was behind a wall taking pot shots every now and again, then ducking behind the wall, you could just shoot the wall. Try that with the 5.56mm SA80. We had the MK1 of these issued just before I came out & I can honestly say it is a piece of carp.

With an SLR they reckoned you could fire into a mob and take out 3 people with one round.

thats impressive

Never had the pleasure of the SA80 im glad to say,it was after my timeGuiness Drink but apparently they are better for drill as they are much shorter,Guiness DrinkGuiness Drink

At least with the SLR if some git was behind a wall taking pot shots every now and again, then ducking behind the wall, you could just shoot the wall. Try that with the 5.56mm SA80. We had the MK1 of these issued just before I came out & I can honestly say it is a piece of carp.
I was still in on the change over from slr to MK1 SA80, best bit on the MK1 was the wire cutter bayonet & scabbard, the gat itself was a pile of plastic crap, first thing to fall off mine was the extractor dust cover .............then I ******** the susat & mount didn't like being dropped off the 12ft wallBlushing ......yes sarge I know what a sling is for:D

Isnt it surprising how many sparks are ex mob........ own up who misses it?

I do.

and me:_| :_| :(

Dont envy the lads in afghanistan much though,they got there work cut out Guiness DrinkGuiness Drink

and me:_| :_| :( Dont envy the lads in afghanistan much though,they got there work cut out Guiness DrinkGuiness Drink
I would probably still be in now if i had not been run over by a drunk matlo, but i was in the Para's and they would not let me jump after the accident. Only consolation i had was the WAFU that ran me over got 6 months in the glass house

and me:_| :_| :( Dont envy the lads in afghanistan much though,they got there work cut out Guiness DrinkGuiness Drink
Hmm your right there they've got a fair job on & as ever the lads are giving a good account of themselves, the best fighting & hearts / minds force in the world & it's good to see joe public getting behind them at last (& gov seeing sense with regard to kit, for so long we were the improvise adapt & overcome army.....the yanks have always called us the borrowers).

I do watch with envy though I mean all that training I did to go to war & what did I get ............. OP Banner :D & numerous exercises fighting the mass hordes from Russia, enjoyed every second of it though & would do it all again given half a chance.

I would probably still be in now if i had not been run over by a drunk matlo, but i was in the Para's and they would not let me jump after the accident. Only consolation i had was the WAFU that ran me over got 6 months in the glass house
I started my life in green at 7RHA lille barracks got through pre-para to depot & was binned :( injury & once to often in the rover when on long valley jaunts, They recommended rtu & return in a year...never did go back found BAOR far more entertaining:^O

Can you imagine the beastings the WAFU got at Colly...a matlo in with all that green :^O

Paras doc,respect,M107 RHA ,what year was this ?did you go through 17th training reg at woolwich for basic.Guiness DrinkGuiness Drink


I heard that the reasoning behind the swap from 7.62mm to 5.56mm was that the 7.62mm would kill the enemy while the 5.56mm would more likely injure them. So putting greater strain on the opposing force's support staff! How true that was I don't know.

Paras doc,respect,M107 RHA ,what year was this ?did you go through 17th training reg at woolwich for basic.Guiness DrinkGuiness DrinkUBIQUE QOU FAS ET GLORIA DU****
I did indeed sir 1986 Colenso tp

The dell...nuff said, sleep walking into the sodding guns while on stag around the parade square, changing parades, bed blocks, polishing floors with those hand bumpers, pay much fun had by all:^O


Everywhere where right & glory lead ;)

I was still in on the change over from slr to MK1 SA80, best bit on the MK1 was the wire cutter bayonet & scabbard, the gat itself was a pile of plastic crap, first thing to fall off mine was the extractor dust cover .............then I ******** the susat & mount didn't like being dropped off the 12ft wallBlushing ......yes sarge I know what a sling is for:DIsnt it surprising how many sparks are ex mob........ own up who misses it?

I do.
Miss it big style

I was in the RAF 12 years,,,,,first 6 years mechanic on Tornados :x :x

next 6 years in communications

One thing i always remember being told about the organisation in the forces

it was worse in civvy street !!!!!!

how so true

I miss it, but dont envy the sqauddies of today.

Was in the RE, same motto as Arty.


Quo fa et gloria du well you know the ending, its just that I cannot stand to see my old regiments motto blocked by a swear guard *shakes head*

Done BAOR, Norway, Batusk, Ireland (4 times as bomb disposal) Hence never want to go back.

I did indeed sir 1986 Colenso tp The dell...nuff said, sleep walking into the sodding guns while on stag around the parade square, changing parades, bed blocks, polishing floors with those hand bumpers, pay much fun had by all:^O


Everywhere where right & glory lead ;)
Ha,bedblocks where the pits,only had to do em for a couple of weeks though;)

I remember them soddin bright red floors:_| and that sodding wax:_| :(

1984 Corruna tp,remember the kings arms pub opp baracks;)there was some right slappers in there:DGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink,proudest day of my life passing out on the south parade square.

Did any of you stay in Spiders or was that just me?

Blackwater Barracks Camberley 1 & 3 Training Regt.

Did any of you stay in Spiders or was that just me?Blackwater Barracks Camberley 1 & 3 Training Regt.
Not me my magical army mystery tour went something like:

Woolwich - Aldershot (Lille barracks/Depot) - Dortmund - Batus - NI all over the place (search team sooooooooo much fun, amazing what people will hide :^O ) - back to Germany.

Not ABC but Felix then ;)
