Contact lens online suppliers

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Seaman stains™
Supporting Member
May 28, 2008
Reaction score
North Wales Riviera
My daughter would like contact lenses, she's had the free trial and the cost seems to have gone up inbetween the consultations and the till (specsavers:()

So I've been looking at online suppliers. Does anyone use any of them that they would recommend?

A bit like your instincts - anyone but I like some of their adverts though. I thought that Space Shuttle drivers had to have 20/20 vision. :^O

Cheers,,,I also tried some and mine (toric) are awful, they are only truly in focus for about 90% of the time :red card
My glasses came from you-know-who and, to be honest, they are rubbish. The focal area is only about 50% of the lens (25% after a few beers) whereas my previous specs from an independant were brilliant. Never had to turn my head to get in focus, unlike the current carp. Mind you, the previous glasses were more than four times the price. You get what you pay for, i suppose. Still saving up for the next ones..........

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The only reason that I'm considering them again is because I need a wide fitting frame and the only ones that they had that I liked and were comfortable are the exact same ones that I currently wear:shakehead

Regarding contact lenses, I might get shot down here from others but my missus trained at Moorfields for 18 months and has always said that they had more problems from people wearing rigid (permanent) lenses than from the soft (disposable) lenses. Something to do with not allowing the eye to deform correctly under pressure. it's all greek to me, though.

My daughter would like contact lenses, she's had the free trial and the cost seems to have gone up inbetween the consultations and the till (specsavers:()So I've been looking at online suppliers. Does anyone use any of them that they would recommend?
I use Costco for my glasses and contact lenses and have been very pleased. Don't really wear the lenses much now as approaching the big five-oh and vanity's a thing of the past! But can understand a kid and especially a girl wanting them.

(My boy is 13 and has them BUT never wears them. Saying that he hates sport, thinks it's still for stirring his tea and if he does get off the computer and into sunlight he starts smoking! :) )

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I use Costco for my glasses and contact lenses and have been very pleased. Don't really wear the lenses much now as approaching the big five-oh and vanity's a thing of the past! But can understand a kid and especially a girl wanting them. (My boy is 13 and has them BUT never wears them. Saying that he hates sport, thinks it's still for stirring his tea and if he does get off the computer and into sunlight he starts smoking! :) )
Definately not a vanity thing for me, I am not vain by any stretch of your imagination

I have some toric lenses,

and anyone that has ever met me will tell you vanity is alein to me! :slap

I cant remember what online place I got them from, but they were uncomfortable,

I get them from a local independent now, and cant remember who they are either,

so thats my bit of useless input to the thread, :|

I would recommend laser treatment if you are 30+, I had mine done at 40 and it was the best thing I ever had done.

After wearing glasses from around the age of 21 and then contacts from the age of 30, I found that the contacts were pulling the small blood vessels to the surface of my eyes, which was not good news, and I was advised to wear them less, so that's when I decided on laser treatment.

The way they did mine was the old way by scraping the membrane layer off the eye, and the healing process was 100% pain, and a year later I had the other eye done.

These days they lift a membrane flap up and it's almost painless, my by brother had his done this way and was back at work the next day.

It's been 16 years since I had mine done and they are still the same as when I had it done.

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I used to wear lenses regularly Nd I quite frankly refuse to pay sp....vers any money whatsoever for them on their lens ail scheme. I started to use a company called lensway, I found them very helpfull and no probs whatsoever. Google lensway an they'll be the 1 st listing

I used to wear lenses regularly Nd I quite frankly refuse to pay sp....vers any money whatsoever for them on their lens ail scheme. I started to use a company called lensway, I found them very helpfull and no probs whatsoever. Google lensway an they'll be the 1 st listing
Both links to your websites fail in your sig??

Soz Steve I got no laptop at moment mate web recently changed our domain name to website and the other one has been removed totally as soon as I get my pc back I'll sort it mate
