Covid 9 plus Brexit equals ............

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Well theres been a lot of redundancies round here I'm afraid .    As they end their furlough , they are not being taken on , I presume due to lost orders.

Those photos are from the 1930s  , of the world's  richest & most powerful country , economy  wise  .    It doesn't  a lot  to upset the economy  ...look at our savings interest rates  for the past 8 years  .    

I remember from a documentary  that Johnny Cash's dad was a sharecropper .     And an interview with a black guy who grew up by Elvis Presely in Tupelo , Miss.where he says  "  The Preselys was as  poor as white folk could be  back in the day "   

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As far as I know  mate , they are  borrowing like theres no tomorrow  .  

And you know what Mrs Thatcher would have thought of that !!

They need those who still have a job to get back to paying in some taxes.  

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As far as I know  mate , they are  borrowing like theres no tomorrow  .  

And you know what Mrs Thatcher would have thought of that !!

They need those who still have a job to get back to paying in some taxes.  
No doubt turning in her grave.

If they had lockdown earlier, kept test and trace working (local health servies already had the skills) and attmepted to eradicate the virus in the UK, then I reckon we could all have been back to work by now and only having to deal with odd outbreaks of the virus. Makes you wonder what happened to all those ventilators? 

I dunno there’s something all very strange about the ‘virus’, Australia had all but eradicated it now they have a massive outbreak? It’s either a very clever virus or we’re being mugged off. Either way it doesn’t sit comfortable with me. 

I dunno there’s something all very strange about the ‘virus’, Australia had all but eradicated it now they have a massive outbreak? It’s either a very clever virus or we’re being mugged off. Either way it doesn’t sit comfortable with me. 

Its fair to say the scientists don't understand it yet (and I have that from a VERY reliable source in the UK system)

This is VERY scary:

The case rate in the UK is now slowly rising.  It is my opinion the lockdown easing should be suspended. It has not gone away and cases will now rise and before long I fear we will all be in lock down again.

Quite what that will do for the devastated economy I don't know.  I fear people think we had "beaten it". No such luck, we just delayed it spreading.

The Argentinian trawler story doesn't seem so difficult to visualise, even without the theory of it coming on with supplies. All it would take is a failed initial test on one passive carrier, (can't spell the posh word for no symptoms). They pass it to a second previously clear carrier and then the rest progressively get it.  (am I missing something?)

The Argentinian trawler story doesn't seem so difficult to visualise, even without the theory of it coming on with supplies. All it would take is a failed initial test on one passive carrier, (can't spell the posh word for no symptoms). They pass it to a second previously clear carrier and then the rest progressively get it.  (am I missing something?)
yes you are not a scientist so your evaluation means nothing, stating the bleedin obvious is not a scientific theory. 

The UK just needs to count like Germany does - find ANY excuse NOT to record the death as due to Covid 19
They have admitted that they are falsely classifying things as COVID. None of the restrictions have merit. We cannot ban death. It's totalitarian government overreach. 

I certainly won't go around wearing a stupid gas mask nor shall I tolerate an illegal lockdown. 

They have admitted that they are falsely classifying things as COVID. None of the restrictions have merit. We cannot ban death. It's totalitarian government overreach. 

I certainly won't go around wearing a stupid gas mask nor shall I tolerate an illegal lockdown. 

Saying none of the restrictions have merit is a bit OTT imho.

What they need to do is publish the groups of people most at risk and include ethnicity in this, because certain groups are at higher risks than others, BUT the stupid PC world we live in makes this less likely, which will result in higher deaths.

What they need to do is publish the groups of people most at risk and include ethnicity in this, because certain groups are at higher risks than others, BUT the stupid PC world we live in makes this less likely, which will result in higher deaths.

if they published that, they would have to point out they live in 'lettuced areas' with high density housing, lower paid work etc etc, and then they would also basically have to admit the ethnic minorities might have been disproportially lost out on opportunites and hence basically admit their is a level of cultural / instituitional racism in the UK thereby proving the PC crowd right. In turn this would also mean the government would be forced to do something about it, like have another enquiry  :^O .

I know in Plymouth, it's the inner city / slum areas that have had the most COVID cases, I suspect that is the same for all areas. 

little bit of O level history, for which I studied the history of medicene. As far back as Elizabeth 1st they had realised that keeping the poor healthy stopped serious disease affecting the wealthy... 
