Covid 9 plus Brexit equals ............

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if they published that, they would have to point out they live in 'lettuced areas' with high density housing, lower paid work etc etc, and then they would also basically have to admit the ethnic minorities might have been disproportionately lost out on opportunities and hence basically admit their is a level of cultural / institutional racism in the UK thereby proving the PC crowd right. In turn this would also mean the government would be forced to do something about it, like have another enquiry  :^O .

er no. Different ethnicities have different blood make up and this small change is thought to have have a large bearing on whether people are more susceptible to covid 19  than others.

This has been noted from March this year in the UK ...................

Then we could be controversial and just say some groups don't heed the social distancing and put themselves at risk - which is precisely what I see in certain areas around here

The case rate in the UK is now slowly rising.  It is my opinion the lockdown easing should be suspended. It has not gone away and cases will now rise and before long I fear we will all be in lock down again.

Quite what that will do for the devastated economy I don't know.  I fear people think we had "beaten it". No such luck, we just delayed it spreading.

IIRC that was the exact point of lockdown,,,, to flatten the curve and protect the NHS

IIRC that was the exact point of lockdown,,,, to flatten the curve and protect the NHS
at no point has the government tried to eliminate the virus - Boris is a murderer in my opinion. It is illegal for public servants like social workers and teachers to ignore child abuse, yet this government has decided to allow people to die on it's watch. 

To my way of thinking, failure to eliminate the virus is making the  financial disaster worse. Just when it looks like some buisnesses may re-open, a fresh outbreak will mean re-shutting them, so the virus is just going to chug along in the background firkin businesses up, and sectors like theatres and cinemas are never going to reopen! Now even if we did manage to eliminate the virus as per NZ, then there will still be local outbreaks as some prat returns from a foreign holiday, but at least you would only have to shut a small area, and it is feasible to install temperature monitoring and testing for all travellers entering the UK, with anyone testing positive tracked and traced by local health services, rather than the world beating waste of £10 billion new system. 

Wow Binky you are a hard cookie to please. Would you please explain how you would eliminate the virus? 
it’s a micro organism that can’t be seen that doesn’t effect everyone the same way? 
the government has funded many vaccine development trials to find a way to effectively manage the virus but these take time. 
the only real way of stopping the spread is to isolate every individual which is fine but how long will the individual remain isolated before they go stir crazy? The human in most cases is not that disciplined to be able to remain isolated for any sustained period of time? 
so your options would be? 

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Now even if we did manage to eliminate the virus as per NZ, t

 New Zealand haven’t eliminated the virus, they have locked their borders, so as soon as people start entering again the virus could easily flare up without warning like it’s done in Australia.

i don’t think it’ll ever be eliminated or be a 100% virus so we have to adapt and cope

 as for the governments dealings, I’m no fan of there’s but now with hindsight things could have been done differently .

 One thing fore sure is that the UK population would never have complied as much as the Germans or French did, so we have accept our part, as a population for making things worse.

I expect flare ups to continue for quite a while, mainly in metropolitan areas, and possibly at coastal areas

Austrailia didn't eliminate the virus, but what they are calling a disaster is about the level of virus transmission currently in the UK....  NZ has eliminated the virus, and as you say, installed stringent border controls to protect themselves, but that also means all businsses are open as per normal after only about 14 weeks  - big difference! 

When Boris appeared on TV and said some will die / herd immunity, he condemned many thousands to an early grave - unforgivable behaviour in my opinion. Now hindsight is always wonderful, but his failure to respond to the virus after seeing Italy and Spain go down the pan was appalling. We had 2 weeks heads-up and completely failed to do anything useful. I just believe that if we had gone into lockdown earlier, supported local tracking services which have been working for decades, and held the lockdown for an extra week or so, we could basically be Covid free by now, with just an odd small pocket to deal with. In turn this would have saved £billions, we would probably have all normal life back, bar foreign travel, and would have a working economy again. As it happens, a lot of Tory party donors / old school mates, seem to have landed contracts on which they have failed to deliver.... The whole thing smacks of panic, arrogance, cronyism, incompetence and fire fighting, and if joe public is starting to mis-behave, it's not surprising after Cummings went off for his eye test drive. 

My biggest concern is that the continued failure to eliminate the virus means it will drag into Autumn / Winter when transmission rates wil increase as people spend far more time indoors.

Two things spring to mind, why are we comparing the Uk to NZ when our population  structure is completely different let alone numbers? 
if Boris had locked us down properly in the outset how long do you really think people would have took it seriously for? 

It’s ok saying that people would have stayed home etc, but here’s what I saw in London.  The EE immigrant population did not abide by 1 rule, no distancing no face mask, nothing, the younger generations of all brands of people took very little notice of it either. So yes whilst most of the older wiser people took action a large percentage did not so eliminating the virus was and is anon starter. Now had Boris said ok let’s do this properly to save lives then the army would have been patrolling the streets and anyone found not to be compliant would be rounded up, I believe this was the Chinese approach and well hey they still had it. 

alternatives options on a postcard please!

Its never going to go away and we need to adapt to live with it.

Germany and France did better as their populations went along with the guidance from their Government...........

Its not just our EE friends ignoring the rules either BTW

Two things spring to mind, why are we comparing the Uk to NZ when our population  structure is completely different let alone numbers? 
if Boris had locked us down properly in the outset how long do you really think people would have took it seriously for? 

It’s ok saying that people would have stayed home etc, but here’s what I saw in London.  The EE immigrant population did not abide by 1 rule, no distancing no face mask, nothing, the younger generations of all brands of people took very little notice of it either. So yes whilst most of the older wiser people took action a large percentage did not so eliminating the virus was and is anon starter. Now had Boris said ok let’s do this properly to save lives then the army would have been patrolling the streets and anyone found not to be compliant would be rounded up, I believe this was the Chinese approach and well hey they still had it. 

alternatives options on a postcard please!
population densities are not not that much different, even in NZ most people live in cities. Comparison is more to do with attitudes, a government that decides to let the virus soread V a government that decides to stop it.

Don't know about London, but most people in Plymouth took the lockdwon seriously - after watching Italy and Spain in the TV, they were ready for it. 

Its never going to go away and we need to adapt to live with it.

Perhaps eliminate is the wrong word, but we could clear it from the UK and just deal with incoming outbreaks.

If anyone is interested the is a series on C4 “lose a stone in 21 days” 

in episode 1, about 10 minutes before the end they are actually showing graphs which compare white and ethnicities and their risk to Covid 19

nb for all groups weight is a huge factor so the heavier / more obese you are The greater the risk

so thin white people are at a Far lower risk than old obese ethnicities .......

well done to channel 4 for highlighting this in such a sensible way
